This a great accompaniment to a baked ham or serve over ice cream or pound cake. I sometimes add maraschino cherries for color. This recipe can be cut...
Lacto-fermentation is a traditional preservation technique that introduces beneficial probiotic bacteria. Lacto-fermented foods are technically raw which...
Al pastor, meaning literally "shepherd style," is a traditional way to prepare pork, lamb, and goat meat that originated in northern Mexico. Historically,...
This is one of my grandmother's recipes. I cannot personally attest to the taste since I am allergic to Gelatin but my family all loves it.and it disapears...
This pineapple salsa is ideal for summer barbecues. Serve it as a dip with white corn chips, on top of grilled fish, throughout a salad of prawns or along...
You're probably asking, "what is a Pluot?" Well, it is a plum/apricot hybrid. They are sweet and very good! If you don't find them at you local market,...
An easy concoction that I made to give barbequed meats a bit of a spicy kick! With all the elements of the Caribbean - Dark Rum, Barbados Brown Sugar,...
Lala came home with this recipe recently and I looked at her like she was nuts. I thought to myself "that is one weird combination of stuff". I was hesitant...
This mild, but flavorful salsa was a big hit at a recent catered event in Hooper Bay Alaska where it was served along side pineapple marinated BBQ halibut....
This looked too interesting to pass up! It's not too pickly, with just a tablespoon of vinegar, but deliciously sweet and spicy. From a cookbook, "Nonya...
Maple covered pecans add crunch to this sweet and spicy dish. Make sure to dry the scallops before coating them and then flip these treasures from the...
My girlfriend made this dish for me, its so good and very quick and easy to make. I love ginger so she added it just for me. I couldn't believe how great...
This is a recipe that I have been making for almost 30 years, and it is still a favorite! It is quick, easy and tasty, which is one of the reasons I've...
Look at this - Shrimps (Prawns), Scallops, Pineapple and Red (Bell)Peppers marinated in Authentic Recipe #204926 by de Roché, skewered and then grilled...
This refreshing fruit salad originally came from a Southern Symphony cookbook, thus the cute name. I can't remember which symphony now as it has been a...
From "Cook's Country from America's Test Kitchen," episode 110, "Regional Chops." Be sure your chops are truly thick cut, at least 2" thick and evenly...
I love just about anything over cream cheese, and this has a wonderful snappy-sweet bite to it! Great to have on hand in the fridge for unexpected guests,...
This is based on a recipe in the Moosewood 'Cooks at Home' cookbook which I absolutely adore. Use a variety of beans for a colourful effect. I have used...