Make this Straight-From-the-Restaurant Carrabba's Italian Grill Italian Lemon Drop Cocktail Recipe at home. This Signature Restaurant Cocktail is a delicious...
Create the perfect Apricot Fizz with this step-by-step guide. Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add apricot brandy and lemon juice. Shake and strain into a...
Mix it up varying the ingredients to taste. Balance the Orange and Pineapple, add a little Malibu rum till you can slightly taste the coconut, then enough...
Enjoy the fresh taste of lemongrass, mint, and ginger in the Soho cocktail. This refreshing recipe features New Amsterdam Gin and is a striking summer...
Create the perfect Absolut Red Ruby with this step-by-step guide. Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Stir and strain into a cocktail...
Enjoy a refreshing Tom Collins cocktail on a bright summer day. It's a spiked lemonade made with gin, simple syrup for a little sweetness, and seltzer...
Make ahead easy, refreshing and so frosty for the hottest of days. Whip up Strawberry Wine Slushies (frozen rosé) in a blender using fresh strawberries,...
Create the perfect Raspberry Collins with this step-by-step guide. Fill a highball glass with ice cubes. Add Absolut Raspberri, simple syrup, lemon juice...
It's impossible to think of this drink and not think of the classic song by The Beastie Boys at the same time. The Brass Monkey is a great cocktail and...
The Lemon Drop Martini is a bartender's best kept secret! It is easy and cost effective to make and everybody loves them! You can make these a few at a...
The leap year is an easy and delightful classic cocktail. Quite simply, the recipe is a sweet gin martini with a hint of citrus and it's a fantastic...
Make our P.F. Chang's Coconut Mojito Cocktail Recipe at home. With our Secret Restaurant Recipe your Coconut Mojito Cocktail will taste just like P.F....
This white wine sangria is infused with fruity peaches for a pitcher cocktail you'll want to drink ALL summer! Served with fresh raspberries and made...
All this punch requires is a little whisking and a little time to sit while you prep the rest of your party goodies, but its fresh, fruity flavor will...
This lighter, fruitier version of a Long Island Iced Tea is an eye-catching adaptation of its notorious counterpart, swapping blue Curaçao in for triple...
Create the perfect Simple Vanilla Vodka Recipe with this step-by-step guide. Fill a highball glass with ice cubes. Add Absolut Vanilia and lime juice....
Create the perfect Ruby Fizz with this step-by-step guide. Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add egg white, lemon juice and raspberry juice. Shake and strain...