Make and share this Butterscotch Apple Muffins recipe from
Author: dicentra
This is a lovely, large, moist loaf. It has a great flavour in spite of very few ingredients. This is very economical to make as there are no eggs or butter...
Author: Lizzie in NZ
My mother used to make this banana bread for us often. I have fond memories of waking up in the morning to smelling mom's homemade banana bread baking...
Author: SoCalCookerGal
I have a lot of Lemon Balm growing up in my herb garden so when I ran across this a Lemon Balm Bread recipe in a Gooseberry Patch Christmas book I decided...
Author: Kaykwilts
Make and share this Butterscotch Monkey Bread recipe from
Author: Hey Jude
This is a variation on my favorite blueberry muffin recipe. It's a delicious healthy take on carrot cake - lots of fiber from the whole wheat flour and...
Author: caro caro
Copied from Bon Appetit October 2005. This recipe is courtesy of The Buttery restaurant in Glasgow, Scotland. I posted it here for safekeeping.
Author: COOKGIRl
The chef at the resthome where I work, adapted a basic muffin recipe just for myself and another employee. They taste great and will be a welcome addition...
Author: jackandfiona
I love these for breakfast with a big cup of Mexican hot chocolate--kind of overkill, but really great for those "I NEED CHOCOLATE!!" kind of days!!
Author: FloridaGrl
This recipe came to me by way of my sister Debbie. A great breakfast muffin that we enjoy with a cup of tea on a late Sunday morning or any time.
Author: Nova Scotia Cook
This a variation of Beer bread,but can also be made with Club soda.The addition of eggs gives this bread the most wonderful texture.
Author: Koechin Chef
..This recipe comes from Sandra Woodruff RD, Fat Free Baking Cook book. Posted for another zaar cook, have not made these yet myself.
Author: andypandy
Make and share this Dom Deluise's Cheese and Onion Bread recipe from
Author: ElaineAnn
Orange and cranberry are just made for each other and these are great! The recipe makes about 18 -- you may get more or less depending on how full you...
Author: Lvs2Cook
Make and share this Rachel Allen's Irish Soda Bread recipe from
Author: momaphet
This recipe was featured in an email this morning from the website. SUBMITTED BY: 3LIONCUBS - "These muffins are just as delicious and...
Author: senseicheryl
Make and share this Jewish - Old Family Secret Recipe - Chocolate Chip Mandel Bread recipe from
Author: Rayndrop
This recipe was on the front of the soy flour package - and now that my package is empty I want to make sure I don't lose the recipe. These are fantastic...
Author: magpie diner
My family loves cornbread and since I must eat a gluten free this recipe has become our favorite. Everyone swears it's better than the original. Sometimes...
Author: thomasena9822
Make and share this Cranberry Orange Quick Bread recipe from
Pairing canned pumpkin and cranberry sauce in a quick bread was Blanche Whytsell's imaginative idea. "The result is moist and tasty," she divulges from...
Author: The Daycare Lady
Made this for Thanksgiving when I had more pumpkin and cranberries than I needed. The walnut topping is optional but also one of my favorite parts.
Author: MandAs
Super moist wheat bread that's slightly sweet. Great to use for sandwich bread or toast in the morning.
Author: chef515
This special bread is filled with good things. It's the perfect Christmas bread. And this makes 2 loaves, in case you want to give one to a neighbor.
Author: MizzNezz
very light and yummy!! the entire loaf is a little less than 800 calories. wow. my kids think it tastes and smells like fruit loops!
Author: KristenErinM
Make and share this Rutherford Grill Cornbread recipe from
Author: stormyevans
Make and share this Grain Free ...sugar Free Banana Bread recipe from
Author: annie_rung
Make and share this Pineapple Oatmeal Muffins recipe from
Author: Chef MB
Stale bread's a thing of the past with these fresh-from-the-oven treats. Moist pumpkin loaves taste of cranberry and spice. They're so warm and comforting...
Author: internetnut
Make and share this Lemon-Glazed Zucchini Quick Bread recipe from
Author: dicentra
These muffins have a surprise inside, jam and cream cheese! No need for butter. Great for brunch, breakfast buffets, etc.
Author: Kibbie
This is a lovely light fruit bread that is perfect with a cup of tea, and would be nice at a bridal or baby shower or brunch. Can use any type of fruit...
Author: newspapergal
Make and share this Oatmeal Blueberry Muffins recipe from
Author: Jacquie-O So Good R
Sugar Rush! Make each of these breads in separate bundt pans. For serving, layer the 2 cakes, with the Monkey Bread as the top tier and the Gorilla Bread...
Author: LilPinkieJ
I found this recipe online, and I was surprised that it had not been posted here. I usually double this recipe and freeze one loaf. I have many banana...
Author: Greeny4444
Make and share this Glazed Lemon Blueberry Muffins recipe from
Author: Lvs2Cook
This recipe came from an old mesage board on AOL. These muffins can be made all peach by replacing the raspberries with 3/4 cup peaches.
Author: Lvs2Cook
These muffins are fantastic! They are so moist and full of flavor! They also freeze well without losing flavor.
Author: rhondalynne
This is one my favorite breads! It's rich, so I don't make it very often, but so wonderful! It makes very nice gifts! ;) (Makes 2 nice-sized loaves.)
Author: Wildflour
These are yummy muffins that are moist and low sugar, salt, and fat too!! If you like stuff that is not really sweet, powdered sugar subbed in for the...
Author: Gods_sugarcookie
Another family classic, easy and yummy! The riper the bananas the better. I quite often throw in a handful of chocolate chips. In a pinch, you can use...
Author: Sackville
Make and share this Zucchini Bread (No Nuts) recipe from
Author: Runnergirlbull
Taken from January 2006 Bon Appetit's RSVP section. Rich and delicious. I think I would try to cut down on the oil somewhat by substituting applesauce...
Author: MindiLouWho
These moist and delicious muffins are great for the lunchbox and they have a surprising ingredient - Greek Yogurt!! The batter is thick, but they bake...
Author: Chef mariajane
Make and share this Cranberry Almond Sour Cream Muffins recipe from
Author: Michelle Berteig
A classic recipe made even easier! These mini cake-like muffins take only a few minutes to put together. The Bisquick makes for a crusty top with a fluffy...
Author: Cricket