This is a copy cat recipe from Mimi's Cafe,these muffins are tasty and moist from the addition of buttermilk. The muffins at the restaurant are jumbo size,this...
This recipe is a new take on the classic Pennsylvania Dutch dessert that has the same wonderful flavor and buttery texture of a fresh home-baked Shoofly...
The recipe idea is from and this version here is mine. The B's are bacon, blackberry wine, brownies and Betty- (as in Betty Crocker brownie...
They are dense muffins, kind of like an energy bar. If you eat oatmeal daily this is a great way to have it on the go. 2 muffins are equal to 1/2 cup oatmeal....
These little darlings use the whole orange! Caution: Do not taste the batter once it is ready to cook. It tastes so darn good you might not get the muffins...
This one is from and it's really good! Nutritional Info * Servings Per Recipe: 16 * Amount Per Serving * Calories: 92.2 * Total Fat: 0.6...
Through the creative process that is cooking, we came up with one of our fantastic creations we affectionately call the Acorn Muffin. This sweet and palate-cleansing...
This is a very simple and flavorful banana muffin recipe. It's tender, light and fluffy. Not dense like regular banana bread. It's a great base recipe...
Sour cream gives muffins an unusual texture and an especially nice flavor. These are some of our favorites, and I like to make them and take them to my...
Warm, aromatic Honey Cinnamon Cornbread Muffins - Moist and tender, these rustic corn muffins make a great addition to any dinner table. You'll love...
This is an amazing gluten-free muffin recipe that can be adapted to almost any fresh berry or chopped fruit. The streusel topping sinks into the muffin...
The apple is the official fruit of New York, so it's no wonder the Apple Muffins was destined to become the official muffin of the state of New York. It's...
I love Mimi's carrot muffins, but these ginormous muffins are loaded with calories and carbs and anything else that is not good for a diabetic. They posted...
When my nana passed away many years ago I aquired several of her cookbooks. One was an old A&P cookbook, 1975 and several of the recipes were circled and...
Did you know that the Indians used Strawberries to sweeten their cornbread? After a little modification we developed strawberry shortcake from this Indian...
Toasting oats adds such great flavor to these muffins. I've tried them with chopped fresh apple and raisins too. Feel free to change up the fruits and...
These delicious muffins are the perfect combination of sweet and tart. Sweetened with organic stevia and mixed with organic raspberries make these muffins...
One fall I had a mission to try out as many muffin recipes as I could find that I thought might be yummy. From the dozens I tried, here's one that made...