This ridiculously tasty chicken parmesan sandwich is the best combination of crispy breaded chicken strips, marinara sauce, and melty mozzarella EVER!...
The gourmet BLT with cheddar and avocado is the grown up sandwich of your dreams. Tons of contrasting colors, flavors, and textures make a relatively simple...
When it is too hot to cook and you want something simple and easy this recipe(adapted from Southern Living)hits the spot, great as an appetizer or snack...
Everything about these Old-Fashioned Patty Melts is perfect, from the beef patty smothered in cheesy, oniony goodness, to the toasted and buttery rye bread....
[Photograph: Kenji Lopez-Alt] What could go better with juicy ground beef, oozy melty cheese, and sweet caramelized onions than a bit of smoke from a real...
This three-meat sandwich is crispy on the outside, tender and cheesy on the inside, with salami being the star of the show. Your air fryer crisps up the...
This sandwich originated in Buffalo, New York. It's thinly sliced roast beef served on a Kimmelweck Roll, with the name weck specifying the type of bread....
I was inspired to transform a ham sandwich into something wonderful using the Italian flavors I grew up with after reading a post I saw on a Sicilian Facebook...
This simple little sandwich is delicious, easy, nutritious and filling. * Marble Rye (I use Pepperidge Farm) is my favorite but you can use any rye or...
When the urge hits, this Tofu Eggless Salad Sandwich does the trick. It comes together in 5 minutes, uses ingredients you probably have on hand and tastes...
This is a great fall off the diet sandwich...I have done so good as of late, so I decided I'd make something to satisfy my cravings, and reward myself,...
This smash burger will be the most moist, juicy and tender burger you've ever made at home. The seasoning couldn't be more simple and it takes less than...
There is nothing like the Famous Crispy Cuban Sandwich. It is a hot pressed sandwich. Made with roasted fresh pork roast, ham & cheese It is so good. The...
This great ham sandwich with sliced apple and cheddar cheese and served on grilled raisin bread-makes a unique balance between salty and sweet. This sandwich...
The Barefoot Contessa is one of my favorite cooks.This morning's show she made these sandwiches and they looked so good I'm going to make them. The changes...
Zesty Gyros with Homemade Lamb Gyro Meat Recipe - The secret for enjoying the best authentic Greek-style gyros at home is our easy lamb meatloaf recipe,...
This is pure comfort food from childhood. I know it sounds odd but it brings back tons of memories. I remember having these sandwiches on beach picnics...
I needed something for dinner Friday night, that I didn't have to spend a lot of time on, yet would still be delicious. So, this is what I decided to make...
My mother used to make this alot when I was growing up and she always loved putting everything on a hoagie bun to enjoy this delicious recipe, I had to...
Yummy tuna sandwich that I have changed several times over the years until we finally hit on a flavor combination that is delicious to us. We prefer the...
OK. I like Spam. I served it to my family when they were growing up. It was cheap, they ate it, and it filled their bellies! I used to make this for camping...
Another recipe from my days cooking at the Italian family restaurant when I was young. I must have made this dish 1000 times over a couple of years...but...
If love the chicken salad at Panera Bakery, you are going to adore this homemade version of their Napa almond chicken salad. The chicken salad is covered...
These are so versatile that they can be used as appetizers, main dinner or lunch. I have made these for a luncheon pot luck and it was enjoyed and recipe...
A classic Mexican torta gets updated into the ultimate breakfast sandwich. Eggs, crispy fried pork, avocado, cotija cheese, and a spicy mayonnaise all...
I'm usually a chicken breast sandwich naysayer, but I challenge anyone to say a bad word about these grilled chicken sandwiches with a sweet and spicy...
This is a nice sandwich where you can also use leftover meat. You can make it as spicy as you choose by varying the amount of the jalapenos. To reduce...
Slow Cooker Shredded BBQ Beef Sandwiches are worth the wait. So much delicious flavor from this slow cooker dish! Find our Instant Pot BBQ Beef Sandwiches...