The Caiprinhia was designated the National Cocktail of Brazil, and has simple ingredients of limes, Cachaca liquor, superfine sugar and crushed ice. For...
My Spiced Apple Hot Toddy recipe will warm you up from the inside. A deliciously sweet and spiced apple cider cocktail that is perfect for a chilly Fall...
With rosemary-infused simple syrup, fresh grapefruit juice and vodka, this Rosemary Greyhound Cocktail is a bright, tart and refreshing drink that can...
Take your cocktail mixing skills to the next level by learning to mix a Cadillac Margarita. This 4-ingredient Cadillac Margarita recipe is easy to mix...
Some drinks just need to be done and done again. Everyone knows about a Shirley Temple right? A lot of us know about a Dirty Shirley (I just love the name...
an impressive martini lends an elegant, upscale feel to any party with it's complementary orange / coffee flavor.... this recipe was given to me my buddy...
Havana Cooler is a refreshing and popular rum-based cocktail that originated in Cuba. Dozens of variations exist, but ginger ale is the traditional mixer...
This Frozen Moscow Mule recipe is only THREE ingredients! It is the perfect drink for a party, Moscow Mules in large batch form! It's pretty hard to beat...
We started making our own wine about 35 years ago. I don't drink wine but always wanted to try my hand at it. My motto is: If it can be done, I'm gonna...
This is a fun twist on the classic Moscow Mule, using limoncello for a refreshing, lemony summertime cocktail. Use a good-quality ginger beer, such as...
Smoky mezcal and an unusual liqueur are the stars of this flavorful cocktail. You'll shake the mezcal with amaro, lime juice, and simple syrup, and then...
It is said that the Manhattan cocktail was invented by Dr. Ian Marshall at a banquet for Lady Randolph Churchill held at The Manhattan club in New York...
I just LOVE chocolate martinis, and the combination of raspberries with chocolate; so when a favorite bartender back home surprised me with this drink....I...
This recipe takes over 6 weeks so plan ahead for your festivals I based this on an Italian limoncello recipe. I've used liters to measure the Liquids because...
These Authentic Puerto Rican Mojitos are absolutely divine! Only a few simple but essential ingredients come together to make a satisfying, supremely refreshing...
Blue curaƧao, made from the bitter peels of green oranges, originates from the Dutch West Indies. For greater drama, serve this as a single serving in...
The directions say to serve it unstirred, but I could taste predominately the vodka and rum this way. I personally like it better stirred as I feel it...
The name and color of this cocktail may bring to mind sunlight playing on the East River (or, if you prefer, the arguably more romantic Gowanus Canal)....
I created this Martini. The orange and agave syrup add a lot to a simple drink. Watch out! It goes down very easy and packs a punch. It is yummmmmy!! Enjoy...