This delicious jello combines cranberry, banana, and strawberry and is a nice substitute for plain jellied cranberry at any meal. It is quick & easy to...
In Japan agar and the desserts made from it are called Kanten. Vary the amount of agar depending if you like a soft or a firm gel. Note if acidic fruit...
Invented one day when I was craving a sweet dessert but had very little ingredients. Internet didn't have any recipes that matched my pantry contents so...
This is sooooo easy and light - and YUMMY!! For the 4th, I added the layers of blueberries and blue Jello, but I usually just use strawberries. When I...
Another Kitchen Princess recipe, although I have seen some variances in restaurants when I've gone on trips to different states. I just have this one because...
This has become a firm favourite at our home and wherever I take it; it's fairly straightforward to make (very easy, if your local supermarket sells jelly...
This is the one pudding i cant resist! I love the bitter tea and sweet milk combination. i make this really soft and serve over a milk sauce. If you are...
This is undoubtedly the best lime mold salad/dessert I've ever had, and my family has come to expect it for part of our Xmas dinner. You may use jelly...
This reminds me of orange sherbet! It is from my favorite cookbook- The Roosevelt Raccoons "All of Our Favorites" cookbook. The cookbook contains recipes...
Cranberry sauce makes this a little different from most congealed salads. Recipe was from my Aunt Phil in Virginia. Especially good with turkey, chicken...
OOOh yummy! Always a hit with kids and adults. There's always room for Jell-O! To crush the pretzels, put them in a ziploc bag and crush with a rolling...
This recipe was my mother's. She'd make it for Thanksgiving or Christmas every year. I have made it for my family for 35 years. My daughter says its not...
Taken from Taste Of Home and placed here for safe keeping. I have not tried these myself yet. By request of a family member these will be included in my...
This is a variation on "Lime Jello Marshmallow Cottage Cheese Surprise" but much more low-calorie and a good alternative to the ricotta salads offered...
Panna Cotta is traditionally milk, cream, sugar and flavorings set with gelatin. You can use commercial eggnog to make a delightful holiday treat great...
A recipe I have asked my Aunt Helen for numerous times - figured I would post it here so as not to lose it... again! This is a great dessert for summer...
Great Jello salad, especiallyin the summer. Can even be used a cool, creamy dessert. Everyone loves this great salad. I sometimes add a small can of mandarin...
I got this recipe from a food ideas magazine and have been wanting to try it for a long time. The family loved this jelly and it was so easy to make and...
I have lost this recipe many times so I'm putting it here for safekeeping! I love this dessert made with simple ingredients. I like to take this to family...
I adapted this from similar recipes found online. Mixing the Crystal Light with the sugar they're rolled in gives them a great burst of sour flavor to...
Muriel is one the the ladies at our Church. She brings this to all our pot lucks. I find it to be very, very refreshing after eating all the heavier sweets....
What do you get when you combine two Zaar recipes...and give it a twist? It would look distinctively something like this. It didn't turn out exactly the...
You know those raspberry filled, thinly chocolate coated Viva Puff cookies you can buy? This tastes almost the same, but I haven't figured out how to add...
A cake I am considering making for my Grandson's Birthday. From Kraft. Cooking time includes refrigeration. Update: I did make this cake yesterday for...
Delightful treat we like to have on special occasions, like New Year's Eve. I saw this a couple of years ago on Good Morning America -- Recipe Courtesy...
Source: "A festive vodka-based jelly shot featuring peppermint schnapps and white chocolate liqueur in a creamy base." NOTE: Recommended...