Got this from the Delish site! Looks refreshing but with a kick. It's got all the makings for a classic Cosmo, but white cranberry juice gives it a lighter,...
I created this Martini. The orange and agave syrup add a lot to a simple drink. Watch out! It goes down very easy and packs a punch. It is yummmmmy!! Enjoy...
In case you couldn't help but wonder, this more refined Cosmopolitan is not a robust red but a dusty pink, deeply chilled, and walks the line between sweet...
This is a very tasty, but strong fall hard cider recipe. It is great to serve on Thanksgiving! The recipe is per glass, but your best bet is to heat an...
Pamper your family and friends with the scrumptious easy to make party cocktail. This delicious six ingredient cocktail is made in less than five minutes...
This vibrant, ruby-red cocktail - devised for Valentine's Day by Bien Trucha, a group of Mexican restaurants in the suburbs of Chicago - is a superb opener...
Sparkling peach sangria is a classic example of a summer batch cocktail: add all of the ingredients to a pitcher and the flavor will develop over time....
Author: Chrissie Nelson Rotko,
Easy to make champagne and strawberry ice cubes, these fun ice cubes can be added to bubbly/sparkling wine cocktails, white sangria, or to give an extra...
Sother Teague, of the Amaro-centric New York City bar Amor y Amargo, devised this riff on the classic cocktail, the Last Word. Teague uses Old Tom gin...
Summertime in a glass! This sangria is fruity, slightly sweet with peach flavor and so good. Ginger ale gives it a bit of bubbles. The recipe is meant...
Looking for an Easter cocktail with all the spices of the season? This twist on an Amaretto sour has a splash of orange juice and a dusting of cinnamon...
If you like to try something out there, try this cocktail. I got this recipes off the food network show. Never thought that this could be tasteful drink,...
Wine-based cocktails require particular attention to balance, so neither the wine nor the spirits overwhelm the flavors. In this seasonal drink from Davio's...
One sip of this cocktail, and we guarantee this will be your new favorite summertime drink! The lemon and peach juices make for a tasty combination. Very...
If you're staying in on Valentine's Day, try this spicy chocolate cocktail. The mellow kick is from pepper vodka and a rim of hot Hungarian paprika - spicy...
This recipe has been a holiday favorite for years. Grandpa makes a big batch for the adults and an alcohol free punch for the little grandkids. Now the...
This Blue Lagoon Mocktail tastes just as good as it looks! With plenty of refreshing citrus flavor and a bit of fizz, it's satisfying but also totally...
A chelada is a more basic version of the michelada, the chili-spiked Mexican beer cocktail-just fresh lime juice, beer, and a little salt, with none of...
I found this recipe on line and adjusted to my taste. It's named after the Swedish wooden painted horses called Dala. It's a Scandinavian twist on the...