It's five o'clock on a summer Friday. This is the drink for that. Serve it with a bowl of potato chips (Utz, please) and another little bowl of extra olives...
Add all ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake well for 10-15 seconds and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a slice of lime...
Get in the holiday spirit with this Spiked Holiday Cider! This easy cocktail recipe uses Fall and Winter fruit, like apples, pears, and persimmons, then...
This Kiwi Caipirinha Cocktail is made with ripe, juicy California kiwifruit and limes, honey and cachaça-Brazil's most popular sugarcane liquor. Delicious...
Frozen banana daiquiris are the ultimate island drink. Made with banana liqueur, brown sugar, lime juice, frozen bananas, and rum. You'll instantly feel...
A "buck" is a traditional type of drink containing a spirit, lemon or lime juice, and ginger ale. Julie Reiner, the owner-mixologist of New York's Clover...
Super easy to make homemade Crock Pot Apple Pie Moonshine Recipe is absolutely delicious! Learn how to make moonshine in the slow cooker with this recipe....
Frozen margarita popsicles are the perfect adult treat! These Strawberry Margarita Popsicles are refreshing and delicious with an adult kick! Margarita...
Transport yourself to the tropics with this electric Blue Hawaiian cocktail! This drink is made with a blend of ingredients that will make you feel like...
Gorgeous frozen strawberry margarita made with 4 simple ingredients for a fun, refreshing summer cocktail! This easy frozen strawberry margarita recipe...
This addictive grapefruit and tequila cocktail, served right in the can, is refreshing, subtly sweet, and salty. It's ideal for navigating the crowds on...
This delicious Hot Toddy recipe is perfect for chilly weather. Learn several variations on how to make a hot toddy - with tea, apple cider, brandy, bourbon,...
Raspberry frozé is the only cocktail you need for summer. It's an easy 2-ingredient drink that's so refreshing to sip by the pool, at cookouts, or a random...