"Batido." This pretty little word is well known all over Latin America and to many in South Florida as well. A sweet and frothy fruit milkshake, it's as...
This easy Strawberry Mango Smoothie is made with just 5 ingredients and tastes like a tropical vacation in a glass! One of the best healthy smoothie recipes...
Peel, slice, and freeze bananas in resealable plastic bags to use as a nutritious thickener for a variety of smoothies. An easy Orange and Banana Yogurt...
This peach smoothie tastes just like dessert, but it's healthy and made with just 5 ingredients. Make this smoothie all summer long with frozen peaches,...
Berry banana smoothie! So EASY - make a banana smoothie to your liking with fresh or frozen berries of your choice, banana, yogurt, honey, and ice. Lots...
A tofu smoothie might sound a little strange, but adding silken tofu is the best way to make smoothies creamy and extra delicious. Bonus that the protein...
Limonada is most often translated as "lemonade," but limes are the best approximation of the Colombian citrus that stars alongside coconut in this barely...
I hope you will agree that this recipe for Chocolate Cherry Smoothie is absolutely delicious. Frozen sweet cherries blended with cocoa powder and a hint...
A little something to sweeten your day and boost your mood! Sweet cherries and cacao blended with almond milk come together creating this healthy, rich...
The flavors of your favorite beach cocktail simplified into a 2-ingredient smoothie. This refreshing smoothie requires just 5 minutes and 1 blender to...
A creamy, 6-ingredient cucumber smoothie with coconut, lime, pineapple, and greens! A nutrient-rich, refreshing smoothie that will beautify you from the...
This is a delicious breakfast smoothie bowl. My kids like it so I sweeten it with honey, but you can use agave as well for a vegan version or not sweeten...
This simple smoothie is easy to make and is super creamy without many ingredients. You can even share it with your kiddo! Be sure to blend it very well...
Mixed Berry smoothie is the perfect answer to the need for a quick healthy breakfast or snack. Packed with flavorful fruit, protein-filled Greek yogurt...
This deliciously creamy chocolate smoothie is rich in feel-good nutrients and tastes like a chocolate-covered cherry! Try it with vanilla protein powder...
A vibrant, nutrient-packed smoothie made with detoxifying beetroot and fresh fruit. Subtly sweet, perfectly tart, and ready with just 1 blender, 3 ingredients,...