This Chicken Parmesan Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms recipe is keto-friendly and really healthy tomato at home for lunch or dinner for the family. You can...
Stuffing cabbage leaves never excited me...until messy rolls flipped into lovely parcels. These are directions only on how to stuff cabbage filled cups....
Very popular Korean street food sandwich. To make this sandwich special, there is a omelette with lots of vegetables like cabbage, onion, carrot. Of course...
Ham and Egg Pasta is a delicious, quick meal that is guaranteed to satisfy even the fussiest of children (and adults too)! Garnished with fresh chives,...
Pesto is delicious in pasta salad! If you've never had this combination, you're in for a treat. Make fresh basil pesto and dress up spiral pasta with olives,...
This salty-sweet snack combination can be a great way to get some nutrient-rich vegetables into your diet. It is a quick after-school snack option for...
Quick and Easy Thai Green Curry is a simplified version of the Thai classic that can be made in around 20 minutes. Quick enough to make on weeknights and...
Pressure Cooker Turkey with Dijon Gravy! Make with turkey legs or thighs, or bone-in half-breasts. Ready in about an hour. Works well for a family dinner...
The Woolgrowers Restaurant is one of several Basque restaurants in Bakersfield, California and well known for their food, and especially the beans. This...
With only four ingredients you can make this tasty and easy dish easily at home. You can effortlessly prepare it ahead of time for a picnic or have everyone...
This pot of noodles, flavored with roast chicken, peas, and onions, can be made ahead and taken to work. Just add boiling water, seal it up for three minutes,...
No holiday entrée yet devised is easier than the following technique for roasting beef. This ingenious method is from a recipe book of Marlene Sorosky...
Well, Rattlesnake Penne Pasta doesn't really have rattlesnake meat in it. It's just a name, but then you all knew that anyway. This dish is always a favorite...
A copycat recipe for the Taco Bell chili cheese burrito. This burrito combines chili flavored vegetarian ground beef, refried beans and vegan cheddar cheese...
Who knew sheet pan dinners could be so colorful? With crunchy green beans, savory yellow squash, sweet red onions, and bright cherry tomatoes, you'll be...
I still have some pumpkin left and I decided to do something different. Pumpkin Waffles, yes, that's right. However, I chanced upon a waffle recipe from...
If you ever come to Louisiana make sure you try our famous and delicious boudin balls. If you get your hands on some really good ones you may find yourself...
You'll love how unbelievably easy this decadent recipe is. You won't believe the method I used to ensure a perfectly cooked salmon! This works as an elegant...
This is a smoking or indirect heat rub, as it contains brown sugar, which burns on the grill. If grilling, keep meat on indirect heat until last 10-20...
This Chipotle Copycat Cauliflower Rice packs all the signature lime and cilantro flavors of your favorite Chipotle rice, but in low carb cauliflower rice...
I worked in a Chinese restaurant for a time and this was my very favorite dish that they made and not every Chinese Restaurant offers it on their menu....
My grandma, mom, have handed down from generation to generation...a simple recipe and traditional Italian cookie. Please check out the links below the...
It's autumn and it means that it's time for a great pumpkin soup with shrimp that I just LOVE cooking. It doesn't require a lot of effort but it comes...
This recipe is from Mom Around Town at I have a new love in my life....