Learnhow to cook chicken drumsticks on the stove; it's easy and delicious. All youneed are the chicken legs, a pan, and some spices. A basic recipe ready...
This chili is delicious, easy to make, a great use for leftovers, and fits into the Weight Watchers Core plan. If you like, substitute chicken for the...
Recipe from a local source: "Chipotle Chicken was adapted from a tiny village cook in Oaxaca, Mexico. The wet rub can be used equally well on thick fish...
This is somewhat labor intensive, but worth the wait. I always make this during one weekend of the NFL playoffs. I like the Canadian beer, because of the...
Easy, delicious and healthy Chicken Breast Stuffed with Spinach Blue Cheese and Bacon recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Chicken Breast...
This came from one of my Grandma's old copies of Taste of Home magazine. The depth of flavor really goes beyond the simple ingredients and easy preparation....
An old recipe that I tweaked quite a bit for more savory. Serve with a green salad or coleslaw. Spice amounts are for mild. Punch it up a bit if you like...
Recipe from my local paper. Calls for boneless chicken thighs but you could also use boneless chicken breast. Serve this over greens or a bed of steamed...
This is a Lebanese dish. I like it cuz it pretty much has everything in it and it's very flavorful. It seems like a lot of work but it's really worth the...
An "everything but the kitchen sink" concoction I made from leftover Jerk Turkey we bought from a Caribbean restaurant and other Thanksgiving leftovers...
Chef #107583 revised our Recipe #269147 for the 'Make it Healthier' Tag game. He brought down the calories from 610 and the fat from a whopping 55.1. We...
I used to love Mexican Pizzas when I was little, but they're unhealthy past believing! Recently, I discovered that Taco Bell uses sand to prevent clumping...