This is a unique and flavourful recipe from "Cooking Light" Magazine. Cloves infuse the braising liquid--and thus the lentils--with savory, spicy notes....
Summer savory is the secret to this dish's wonderful flavor. Add less liquid if you want a stew. You can cook all day in crockpot on low and come home...
Lentils are consistently rated one of the world's healthiest foods. Filled with B Vitamins, folate, calcium and phosphorus, they are also a great source...
I LOVE lentils. I eat them at least once a week. I also love capers and anchovies, so I came up with this. Lentils also taste delicious with an egg on...
After loosely trying various recipes, this is the combination that worked for my family. It is spicy enough for dh abut not so blazing that the kids won't...
I admit, the first time I used a pressure cooker I was a little afraid. I left my studio and stood on the other side of the door to avoid severe burning...
I make this at least once a week come fall & winter for dinner and lunches. My carnivore husband LOVES it. Goes great with homemade bread too! If you are...
From The Complete Guide and Cookbook for Raising Your Child as a Vegetarian by Michael & Nina Shandler. I made this tonight with White Rose Child's Recipe...
Makhlouta is a delicious filling soup which has been made traditionally in Lebanon for hundreds of years - usually it has 7 main pulse/grain ingredients....
A lightly spiced & fruity North African inspired dish with a tasty vegetable accompaniment or company as the title says! Made with easily available ingredients...
Adapted from Alton Brown's Good Eats, this is wonderful soup! I have tweaked it a little, after reading all the reviews. Enjoy! To make the soup more of...
I found this in a slow food cookbook I borrowed - it originates from one of my favorite chefs - Madhur Jaffrey. I needed some more recipes using red lentils,...
There is no other way to describe this soup besides just saying WOW. My mom taught me this recipe and well, my mom is the best cook on the planet. Anything...
When the hubby goes out of town I love to experiment with new tastes!! This was the result of trying to use up some polenta in my fridge, and boy did it...
This is a super easy recipe! A delicious and healthy dinner for 2 that can easily be adjusted to serve more. I like to serve this along side a simple salad...
i just kinda threw in what i had and thought would taste good together. i recently tried making saag and learned i really like the ginger/garlic combo....
These are a popular Lebanese dish. They are also vegetarian and gluten free. For gluten free ensure the stock used is labeled as GF or homemade. Can be...
This makes a thick soup that smells amazing and tastes just as good. If you reheat it for lunch at work, everyone will ask what you have that smells so...
Moussaka is Delish, but it's SOO fattening. SBD not only cuts the carbs out of it, but also lowers the fat to make it a HEALTHY dish! (healthy and moussaka...
With gluten free option. This is a delicious lentil soup we enjoy with a side of fresh salad as a light meal. From the Complete Middle East Cookbook by...
While Sundays and chicken dinners go hand in hand in many a household in America, lentil dumplings in tamarind sauce take center stage in India's Tamilian...
December 26 and the last thing I want to see as another store. Desparation leads to inspiration and this was the result. A soupy chili with a complex flavor...
After much testing, adjusting and combining of recipes and ingredients I have finally come up with a chili recipe I'm willing to put the "Mawthook's" name...
I just came back from Marrakesh and had to recreate the Harira I had in the Djemma El Fna market. I read about 20 recipes and used what I thought was the...
Always on a quest to find a good veggie burger. This is untried but looks very good. From Cooking Light. Per serving: 354 calories, 8.8 g fat, 19.3 g protein,...