If you love shrimp recipes, these shrimp cakes are for YOU! The cheesy crust creates a juicy, tender and flavorful center. P.S. DO NOT skip the lemon aioli...
Baked Chicken Legs recipe with garlic, lemon and dijon. An easy and excellent chicken marinade with so much flavor. The longer you marinate this, the better...
A classic old-world recipe for creamy cucumber radish salad. The ingredients are so simple but it really doesn't need anything else! One of our favorite...
A good rub makes grilling or roasting easy. This one combines the best of the salt-pepper-garlic notes of Santa Maria-style barbecue with the depth of...
This recipe is so easy and the shredded beef makes fantastic filling for burritos or tacos. I buy can of enchilada sauce to smother the burritos with and...
After extreme frustration at the lack of stock and high prices of smoked paprika I took matters into my own hands. This works like a charm, and you end...
This is a recipe that I found on the Radiant Recovery website. A great sugar free marinade for Flank Steak. The original recipe called for 1 tablespoon...
I love that there is no cooking required with this recipe, especially if you buy pre-cooked shrimp which is so tempting when the temperatures outside are...
This Asian-style pork tenderloin with ginger orange marmalade is the perfect centerpiece for your dinner table! A flavorful spice mix rub gives the pork...
Most butchers throw the venison ribs out or use the meat between the bones for hamburg. My hubby's hunting party butcher their own meat, and keep the ribs...
Found on Pinterest and shared so many times not sure who came up with it. The original recipe calls for Cream of Mushroom Soup, but I love Cream of Onion...
Throw all the ingredients into the slow-cooker at once, and it will make this kicked-up corn chowder for you. Plus, the smoky chorizo and the spicy poblano...
The easiest homemade taco soup recipe loaded with ground beef, beans, corn, pepper and tomatoes with a homemade taco seasoning. Top soup with avocado,...
Chicken Florentine Pasta in a light creamy sauce (it actually doesn't have any cream in it at all!). The spinach in this pasta is vibrant, healthy and...
The original recipe was vegetarian, but I add beef and corn. Without those 2 ingredients it has 137 calories & 1.7 g of fat per serving. It's also good...
This Avocado Chicken Salad recipe is a keeper! Easy, excellent chicken salad recipe with lemon dressing, plenty of avocado, irresistible bites of bacon...
This White Pizza Sauce is essentially an easy garlic alfredo. It has simple ingredients and comes together in about 5 minutes. It is a family favorite...
This one pan salmon and asparagus is so quick and easy to prepare and you'll have dinner on the table in 25 minutes!! The garlic-herb-lemon butter melts...
Fully loaded Korean Beef Tacos with flavorful Beef Bulgogi (a Korean BBQ beef). Don't skip the Sriracha-lime crema taco sauce which takes these over the...
An easy, excellent (5-minute) Avocado Cucumber Salad with the easiest lime dressing. This cucumber salad disappeared so fast and we all wished there was...
These Flavorful and juicy homemade meatballs are make-ahead and freezer friendly so they're perfect for meal prep. The meatballs can be baked or sauteed...
This Irish-American Soda Bread takes just 5 minutes to make the dough with no kneading and no proofing needed. It has a soft and tender crumb with a texture...
Pasta sauce recipe with tomato puree. Makes a great basic sauce. Add some red wine or small can of tomato sauce if sauce becomes too thick. Freezes well....
This is a really good chili recipe from Betty Crocker's Slow Cooker Cookbook. I've served it at gatherings may times and everyone always enjoys it! We...
This is a wonderful slow cooker recipe. I understand it is call Angel Chicken because of it's heavenly mushroom sauce. The chicken is fork tender. Mmmm....
Notice that this recipe doesn't call for ANY spices...not even salt and pepper. Yet I have nothing but great memories for mom's ham hocks and beans. Other...