This curried yogurt dressing is spicy, creamy and flavorful, it goes well with any your favorite salad, or you can also serve it as a dip with a piece...
This recipe is from my cookbook "Cooking Thin with Chef Kathleen" written by Chef Kathleen Daelemans. It really is the world's best vinaigrette dressing....
I find many bleu cheese and feta cheese recipes and I wanted to make one that was a little more healthy. This is a mish mosh from many recipes I looked...
My precious 91 year old friend Katherine and her sisters have saved their favorite recipes for years.This is one they make over and over again since the...
This is a great dish to bring to any potluck or serve for a hearty dinner. I first had this at a potluck about 5 years ago. I believe my friend said it...
This is my go-to recipe for tartar sauce... Full Stop. Not too sweet, not too complicated, and with a bit of a kick. So, yummy. So, you ready... let's...
I was looking for a sugar-free salad dressing recipe because I just don't care for most of the sugar-free dressings that I've found in the stores. I found...
Mum made this for her potato salad and cabbage salad. I still use it and make it for simple lettuce and tomato salads and macaroni salad. Typically, Calorie-Wise...
My Grandma W made this recipe just for me. It was a lower calorie but equally delicious version of the dressing they always made for their spaghetti supper...
If you love a good buttermilk dressing you are sure to enjoy this one. Not your low-fat version but this is a splurge once-in-awhile dressing for a really...
I started my cooking career as a salad girl in a local seafood restaurant called the "Seafarer's Inn" in Lockport, NY. One of my jobs was to make this...
This lovely dressing may be used to dress salads, or a marinade for steak or vegetables, try it drizzled over rice or soaked up with a crusty bread. Make...
Spring is right around the corner - finally! This is a light dressing that you will just love on all of your spring salads. If you don't have Raspberry...
I made up this dressing to take to a pot luck. I was designated to bring the Salad. The main dish was going to be an award winning Chili. I wasn't sure...
Cole Slaw is one of those wonderful side dishes usually more popular in Summer, but always good any time. There are about as many great recipes for Cole...
This dressing is a Summer delight. Nice fresh garden tomatoes, lovingly blended with fresh clover honey, and extra virgin olive oil. The base of the recipe...
This is a tasty way to enter spring or summer... last summer I was at my sister's house and she wanted to have a nice salad with there pasta meal, so I...
This was a staple in my Italian in-laws kitchen. Its very good on paste salad or spinach sald. The recipe makes a good sized jar and it keeps well in the...
For this type of dressing you have to have a really good blender or food processor to puree the ingredients. Now, I thought I bought a good blender but...
This recipe is from a local restaurant (now closed) - not sure if this is their original recipe or a copycat. Feel free to adjust the chili paste if you...
Everyone loves salads, especially during the hot hot summer. Here is a unique dressing to try on your favorite salad. Your guests will enjoy this lovely...
Make this creamy salad dressing with fat free sour cream. No one will ever guess it's healthy! My husband loves it. You can also make it with fat free...
This recipe is from my cookbook "Cooking Thin with Chef Kathleen" written by Chef Kathleen Daelemans. It really is the world's best vinaigrette dressing....
This slaw turned out amazing...I love fresh slaw dressing (instead of from a bottle). The flavors together with the broccoli slaw and dressing is so good....