This recipe contains glucomannan, a natural, soluble fiber that is often used to help with weight loss. (The fiber creates a sense of fullness and can...
Turmeric Ginger Lemonade with fresh Mint is great for fighting fatigue and reducing inflammation in the body. It's quick to make, naturally sweetened,...
The combination and the amount used of special chicken and veggies, as well as the seasoning/aromatics and the six hours of cooking time, result in a heavenly...
Cara Cara oranges resemble grapefruits more so than oranges on the inside. It's pink and delicious and a little bit sweeter than a plain old orange and...
This Spanish Arroz Caldoso with Shrimp is loaded with flavors from a savory broth, luxurious saffron, and some sweet paprika. The perfect rice dish to...
Legend has it that Napoleon's chef created Chicken Marengo for the general after a battlefield victory. Despite its glorious history, it differs very little...
This nibbling platter is packed with beta carotene and vitamin C, two cancer fighting antioxidants that work together to ward off cellular damage. Red...
You can't help but fall hard for these juicy and flavorful Homemade Pork Breakfast Patties. They're the absolute best thing for your perfect weekend...
Quick and Easy Thai Green Curry is a simplified version of the Thai classic that can be made in around 20 minutes. Quick enough to make on weeknights and...
"New England is famous for its plentiful, crisp, juicy apples... You'll reduce cider and make a delicious syrup to drizzle over sweet, tender, seared scallops,...
A copycat recipe for the Taco Bell chili cheese burrito. This burrito combines chili flavored vegetarian ground beef, refried beans and vegan cheddar cheese...
These BBQ Beef Ribs are simple and will bring together all the honey, mustard, and hot sauce lovers. Full of flavor these ribs just melt in your mouth!...
"Are you looking for the perfect marinade for your chicken. This makes tender, juicy and flavorful chicken. Throw it on the grill to give that perfect...
This snack mix can have a "wild" side if you make it with wasabi-coated peanuts. Just add 2 1/2 cups wasabi-coated peanuts in place of the regular peanuts...
This Chipotle Copycat Cauliflower Rice packs all the signature lime and cilantro flavors of your favorite Chipotle rice, but in low carb cauliflower rice...
This wassail recipe is a delicious hot holiday drink sure to become a favorite! This wassail is a spin on the traditional recipe. Just a few ingredients...
I don't know anyone who doesn't LOVE brownies. But go Paleo ... and Gluten Free ... and you feel they COULD be out of reach. Along with pizza, pasta, pie...
Give these delicious vegan wings a try-- I promise they will taste JUST like the meat version. The seitan chicken has taken me roughly 2 years to perfect....
This easy, refreshing Cucumber Agua Fresca (Agua de Pepino) is the perfect Summer drink. This drink recipe has cucumber, mint and lime poured over ice....
A real authentic Vegetable Paella, this recipe will be sure to impress all your dinner guest. Using white beans as a source of protein its packed with...