The spiked Arnold Palmer is a boozy twist on the famous iced tea and lemonade drink. It's easy and this recipe shows you how to make lemonade by the...
Create the perfect Vodka Cranberry with this step-by-step guide. Fill a highball glass with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Garnish with a lime wheel....
This cocktail is, for all intents and purposes, a greyhound, but I make it with fresh-squeezed pink grapefruit juice (Rio Star from Texas, if you're...
This Tom Collins recipe is the best! Tom Collins cocktails are made with gin, lemon, club soda and simple syrup. They're delightfully fizzy, delicious...
Do you love a root beer float, but want something with a little more mature? Try this simple spiked recipe that adds vanilla vodka and Galliano to the...
This blood orange mojito recipe is a refreshing twist on the classic mojito cocktail. It's everything you love about a mojito with an extra hint of fresh...
his Baileys Chocolate Mint Martini is a fun way to bring a little green to your spring or St. Patrick's Day. It is so flavorful with Baileys, Peppermint...