The Corpse Reviver 2 is arguably the best-known absinthe cocktail. This sophisticated classic cocktail will indeed revive you... but beware a few too many...
Learn how to make classic orange mimosas with this recipe, plus find tips on how to make them your own! Mimosas are super easy to make once you know the...
Create the perfect Cinnamon Sour with this step-by-step guide. Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a rocks glass filled...
Your daily Mineral Boost Juice will help get you closer to your daily requirements for the Miracle Minerals--calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Depending...
A beautiful dark pink hibiscus syrup that infuses a fragrant floral flavor into cocktails. Perfect for summertime cocktails or creating pretty pink cocktails...
One of the world's most popular summer cocktails, the Piña Colada tastes refreshing and sweet. It´s super easy to make and perfect to enjoy with friends....
If you're looking to make margaritas, look no further than this marg-a-Ree-ta. The Pioneer Woman's twist on this classic cocktail involves some fresh ingredients-and...
Margarita Day is finally here, and I for one am pretty excited. I know we all fill our margarita void with the weekly Margarita Monday, but today both...
Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake well for 10-15 seconds or until the outside of the shaker becomes frosted. Strain into a chilled...
This Snickers Martini tastes EXACTLY like a snickers in liquid form! Decadent, rich, and creamy with notes of chocolate and caramel, this Snickertini is...
This easy Mojito pitcher recipe makes a great batch cocktail for your summer get-togethers! Lime juice, mint, club soda, and rum create a deliciously light...
This nice cream isn't just made from regular old frozen bananas. It's made from rum-soaked bananas foster, for a slushie, cream-free, rum-filled frozen...
The cranberry ginger shandy is a tasty and quick mixed-drink recipe for wheat beer. Your guests will love its ginger-sugar rim and the blend of spiced...
This granita-style cocktail was served to first-class passengers during the last dinner aboard the fated Titanic. Learn how to make it with our simple...
Turn up the heat this summer Hot Shot style with this spicy yet refreshing new shot! With its unique and sensational flavor mix, it will really get the...