Rev up your puddings, your cakes, or your coffee with this deep dark, decadent and deadly treat After you finish you will remember this whipped cream,...
This recipe is from Appeal magazine from one of Vancouver's celebrated chefs John Bishop. It is excellent, very tasty and easy to do. You can serve this...
Ridiciously easy, cheap and healthy. One ingredient! For some flavour I sometimes rub a clove of garlic on the bread before toasting or dust some grated...
The play on words in the title indicates the fresh, springtime flavours used as well as the main seasoning. Please note marinating time is included in...
This was done for us by a friend, and it is moist and awesome. We did this for friends in Australia, but it was hard to find the cedar plank for starters,...
A low-fat sauce as popular as ever. Any vegetable or herb can be substituted for those called for in the recipe.This is the type of recipe where you can...
Mmmm... Hot gooey marshmallows in buttery crisp caramel! You won't have just one! :O) We've been enjoying these around every campfire since I was a little...
From Canadian Living Magazine, June 2007 per 1tbsp 71 cal, trace protein, 5 grams total fat (1gm saturated)7 grams carb, trace fibre, , 0 cholestoral,...
This ham salad sandwich is a snap to mix up in the food processor, or mince the ham by hand and mix the ingredients together for delicious sandwiches or...
I got this delicious recipe from my roomate Ashley in college who got it from her mom. Now, it's been so long since I've made it, the directions that follow...
A combination of macaroni noodles and tomato with chicken make this casserole a very good choice for a main course dinner with a crunchy topping of corn...
The thick, gooey cinnamon filling in bakery sticky buns can be yours to use at home - this recipe came from one of our local bakers and works well for...
This is a recipe that tastes great especially with any white fish.... example. bass, pickerel, cod, basa, etc. it takes very little preparation and it...
This was a regular dinner for us except for the months of September and October. I don't remember why it was not served then, but I'm sure there is a good...
Multipurpose method of marinating salmon for the smoker. I particularly like it with fresh sockeye which we are lucky enough to be able to catch out of...
I love watching my fellow California Canadian on our local cable station and the Discovery Health Network. His mission is to make cooking accessible and...
A melt in your mouth dish. I'm partial to Maine coldwater Atlantic cod but any firm white fish will do fine. We serve this with fresh bread, fiddleheads...
If you love the smell of onions cooking long and slow until they are sweet and almost burnt, then this recipe should be in your collection. The onions...
Mom's variation of Julia Child's Oeufs ¨¤ la Diable, using less mayo, a touch of olive oil in with the butter, and a sprinkling of paprika on top of...
The Iroquois Confederacy included parts of what is now Ontario and Quebec. Their food sources included cultivation of corn, beans, and squash, hunting...
The kiwi-mango relish with cilantro adds a wonderful flavour to this easy salmon recipe. If you are not fond of cilantro you will want to cut back a bit...
I stole this simple but yummy recipe from Jaspinder (my friend's brother-in-law). I vaguely watched what he was doing but have guessed at exactly what...
A recipe from Canada's Ricardo in his cookbook "Ricardo Meals for every occassion" that I received from Katzen my cookbook swap partner. A beautiful cookbook....thankyou...