The white balsamic vinegar enhances the flavor of fresh garden vegetables in your salad. The dressing can be use immediately or if time allows let it sit...
This is an excellent dressing, for salads or n for flavoring other recipes. It stores well. Marjoram, tarragon, basil, and/or black pepper may be added...
This dressing is made of tofu, yogurt, sesame, soy sauce, and vinegar. This is superb when drizzled over a salad or grilled meats, and is an excellent...
If you love Goddess dressing but are looking for healthier ingredients, look no further! This recipe is gluten-free, vegan, and low-glycemic! Pour it over...
Top your perfect salad with my creamy and chunky blue cheese dressing recipe. It has a nicely balanced flavor and nice sweetness with a great creamy and...
The two most important ingredients for this or any vinaigrette are the olive oil and the vinegar. For the oil try using cold pressed, extra virgin, and...
This simple recipe was handed down to me from a very dear friend, and is great on any tossed green salad. You can add a few drops of red food coloring...
This spicy dressing with mango and ranch can be made even hotter by adding more habanero peppers. It makes a very large amount, but feel free to scale...
This is a delicious, tangy vinaigrette. It's so versatile, it can be used for mixed greens or taco salads. Enjoy! Serve immediately or keep in the fridge...
This is a delicious summer salad. Great as a dinner salad with some grilled chicken or fish, or as a side. This is my first experience with kale, and I'm...
This dressing packs a punch of flavor without the use of dried herbs or spices. I wanted a recipe that explodes with freshness, a bit of tang, and traditional...
I get raves when I bring tossed salads to dinner parties because I also make my own dressing. This vinaigrette is quite easy, using staples from your pantry...
This is our all-time favorite dressing. Uses simple ingredients that we always have on hand. It's great on simple green salads, taco salads, and even seafood...
This typical Greek dressing is found in any place that serves souvlaki. You know the one, in a glass container with all the oil and spices in it. I think...
A great homemade salad dressing for vegans, raw foodists, and vegetarians. Refrigerate any leftovers for the next salad. This is my first posting of the...
Once you have tasted this blue cheese dressing recipe, no other will compare. No bottled dressing or restaurant dressing will ever measure up to this killer...
This is my take on honey-mustard salad dressing. My husband gives it 5 stars so I thought I would share it with you. Note that I use sweet onion (Walla...
Tired of only finding napa cabbage recipes that use Asian seasonings and fried ramen noodles? This salad has a fresh zippy flavor and makes a nice accompaniment...
Great light dressing to pair with cabbage or romaine lettuce, fresh mandarin oranges, and toasted almonds! Place greens in a bowl and add garnishes. Ladle...
This is a tangy vinaigrette--wonderful on mixed greens, tomato, onion and cucumber salads. It's also good if used sparingly over steamed veggies or stir-frys....
If you love lime, you'll love this sweet, tangy, flavorful dressing that's a great alternative to vinegar- or mayo-based dressings. It's a wonderful salad...
The rice-shaped pasta known as 'orzo' is a favorite for salads. Here, it's topped with a low-fat yogurt dressing that's also delicious on grilled chicken...