From Taste of Home's Garden-Fresh Recipes. "Looking for an easy way to dress up cooked carrots, I hit on this delicious recipe. The fruity glaze complements...
In this smart recipe, Grace Parisi boils orange peels in water, simmers them in sugar syrup, and coats them in sugar. Then she tosses them with pistachios...
A dab of this on a home-made scone--oooh, it's SO good! Thanks to Susan Branch for her creativity in her "Autumn" book--loaded with wonderful ideas to...
A new twist on a marinated bean salad! Simple and easy to prepare, yet very delicious and free of refined sugars. Great for a dinner party or potluck supper....
A refreshing chilled soup ideal for hot weather luncheons or dinners, which you can have on the table with little preparation. If you are making the soup...
This dish is not cooked but served cold. You may change the fruits to use those in season or you could even use one single fruit instead of a plethora...
These was easy to prepare and I made 4 batches and frozen some last fall. We just finished the last of it, it freezes very well, just defrost in the refrigerator....
Packed full of good-for-you stuff, a wonderful blend of tastes and textures with a low-fat, tart dressing. **Note: If you currently take cholesterol-lowering...
I found this recipe in a magazine. Although I make very similar dishes, I've never used the vine-leaves. The magazine blurb said they help to tenderise...
This asparagus is quite delicious!! Do not over cook!! For a change of pace, try it with cubed pear instead of the melon. Lemon can also be used instead...
A quick and tasty recipe. You can use shrink wrapped frozen fish from TJ's or Costco.(Thaw in sealed package in room temp water) Serve with a brown rice...
I had a recipe for a salad similar to this made with lime jello but got tired of that (after many years)so I juggled it a bit and came up with this. It...
Sharon the Rocket gifted me with Now Serving: FMB Favourites, a cookbook from the Farmers and Merchants Bank. This recipe sounds so refreshing. Adapted...
Everyone always loves this soup, which I call my "winter cold fighting soup" because of the ingredients. I also love it because it costs next to nothing...
This is G.V.K. Durga Ravi's recipe from the Thursday magazine. She's an avid reader of the magazine just like me and I'm so pleased to share her recipe...
The slug in this recipe refers to the texture of the mandarin oranges. This is from the Firehouse Food: Cooking with San Francisco's Firefighters cookbook....
Based on Lynne Rossetto Kasper's improvisation of a classic combination she learned from Ron Bechtol, a gifted cook who divides his time between San Antonio...
This is a versitile, yet unique and tasty Mexican grilling marinade for either chicken pork or beef. The basic recipe comes from "Weber's Big Grilling...
Part of this very simple recipe came to me via the Food Network, and I played around with it. It is difficult to be exact about the proportions, but what...
A quick and tasty recipe. You can use shrink wrapped frozen fish from TJ's or Costco.(Thaw in sealed package in room temp water) Serve with a brown rice...
Give your weeknight dinner a kick with this recipe for Orange Sriracha Shrimp. Want more meals like this? Sign up for our weekly emails to get Aprons recipes...
Got this low fat, tasty main vegetarian recipe from a grocery store in Los Angeles. Presentation is beautiful, and it tastes as good as it looks. Try to...