The fresh taste of the vegetables paired with the sweetness of mango is awesome when combined with the addictive flavors of the satay chicken and the cashew...
Dinner comes together in a snap by cooking succulent shrimp and pasta all in the same pan. Tossed with a fresh spinach and basil pesto sauce and garnished...
This 5 Minute Microwave Ricotta Cheese recipe shows you how easy it is to make cheesy, delicious homemade ricotta cheese, without much equipment or time!...
I call this recipe "Texas Style Pulled Pork" because it reminds me of the way brisket and spare ribs are cooked in the Lone Star State. Simple, 3-ingredient...
Make your feast more special for this year's holiday with this simple orange jalapeño cranberry sauce that can be ready in 15 minutes. An easy recipe...
Get fired up for El Salvadoran Roast Turkey. My husband is half Mexican and half El Salvadoran. That means I get fed REALLY WELL when I'm with his family....
Pampushki are starchy morsels usually served with soup, such as Borsch. What's unique about these is that they are made using both mashed potatoes and...
Did you forget to pick up the BBQ sauce for dinner? No worries, with our Grandma's Best BBQ sauce, you will have the ingredients in your pantry. A sweet...
Salsa Chicken Casserole will take dinner to a whole new level. With a quick stir-fry, this casserole can be on the table in under 30 minutes. Perfect on...
I decided to give this dish a Maryland twist filled with lump crab meat and a surprise crumble on top, but no matter which cheese, noodle, or crumble you...
If you are a fan of Korean food, you must have already heard of sigeumchi namul. A classic and humble spinach side dish made with soy sauce, garlic and...
This blackberry cordial is marvellous, and its deep flavour and richness are incomparable. You can use it in hot or cold drinks, pour on hot porridge,...
This is a fun spin on the classic Polenta by turning it into handy little baked garlic herb polenta squares. It is really simple to make and so flavorful...
Make this Chinese dim sum Shumai Recipe (Siu Mai, Shaomai, or Siomai). Flavorful Pork Dumplings with crunchy shrimps, bouncy pork & fragrant mushrooms....
When you want a seafood dish that is hearty enough to satisfy any meat-eater, reach for this one. A simple swordfish steak is seared and then elevated...
This deeply-flavorful short rib rendition builds on memories of that dish - but takes it to the gourmet level - meltingly tender, beefy, velvety and rich....
Yakitori literally means grilled chicken and also refers to skewered food in general. Enjoy this sweet and irresistible chicken and scallion skewers (negima)...
This recipe features some of the Mediterranean flavor in an easy casserole: bell peppers, capers, lots of EVO make a delicious side to pair with meat,...
Whether you serve these for before dinner as a starter or add them to your small get together, I am sure everyone is going to love them. This crispy chicken...
This is a simple pasta recipe: strip two ears of corn, sauté the kernels in butter with scallions, purée the mixture into a sauce, then toss it with...
Oven-roasted cream cheese stuffed jalapeño poppers filled with cheesy crab and Chinese sausage filling with a crispy sesame onion topping. East meets...
While the chicken bakes for a fairly long time-an hour to an hour and 15 minutes-in the brief time it takes for your oven to preheat, your chicken can...
New Potatoes with Garlic and Dill is a perfect side dish that I can always count on to satisfy everyone at the table, plus, it goes well with almost any...
I doubled the recipe here and I show you how to clean and prepare fresh calamari. Remember, never fry squid over 2 minutes. I used a Cajun seasoning in...
Bright in color and flavor: a fresh salad of shredded carrots, dressed with olive oil, lemon juice and Moroccan spices. A healthy side dish that goes with...
These Vietnamese Rice Paper Wraps are a wonderfully healthy and fresh alternative to deep-fried spring rolls. Gone are the days of slaving around a pot...
Do you love hot and spicy buffalo wings? Then these Buffalo Cauliflower Bites are going to be your next favorite dish! These burn your mouth a bit bites...
I thought why stick to only noodles so I gave the vermicelli recipe a twist from the regular onion-tomato version and created the Chinese version of vermicelli....