Busy weeknight? This satisfying one-pot meal marries colorful mixed veggies and fluffy noodles with a creamy, homemade Alfredo sauce that's ready in a...
Very popular Korean street food sandwich. To make this sandwich special, there is a omelette with lots of vegetables like cabbage, onion, carrot. Of course...
I love the flavor of saffron; it also gives a golden color to whatever food it is added. This recipe is for a rather elegant soup made with chicken and...
You can't help but fall hard for these juicy and flavorful Homemade Pork Breakfast Patties. They're the absolute best thing for your perfect weekend...
Quick and Easy Thai Green Curry is a simplified version of the Thai classic that can be made in around 20 minutes. Quick enough to make on weeknights and...
A dip in a cabbage bowl [or if you don't want the work just use your favorite bowl] From Seasoned with Love by the Priest Lake Community Church in Nordman...
Hot and Spicy Chicken Nuggets are a delicious, spicy snack, perfect for parties or as part of a main meal. Deep fried or oven baked, these amazingly simple...
A wonderful salad with both fruits and vegetables! *I am posting this recipe as it was written, but I actually doubled the fruits and veggies, kept the...
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson knows his food! His famous coconut banana pancakes are packed with protein and good fats! And what's more, they are absolutely...
Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat. Add the beets and lime zest, stirring until the beets are crisp-tender, about...
"This recipe is a great way to put health and history on a savory Soul Food plate! It comes from the cookbook I co-wrote with my mother Soul Food Love....
I think pastas a great way of eating vegetables, because you can make them in pestos, sauces or simply stir fry them in bite size pieces, and this where...
This delicious dessert into an over-the-top, decadent delight will have everyone obsessed with it...and with you too. It has a tender, sweet, banana all...
A fun way to jazz up lettuce wraps. Use leftover pulled pork and combine with this Asian inspired sauce. Top with your favorite veggies and pair with a...
I am told this is a great pickled eggs recipe, I myself hate eggs, but I make this for my dad every year and for my grand dad. Others have eaten them when...
This No-Knead Bread is an easy artisan-style bread that comes together fast. With only 4 simple ingredients, you can make a bakery-quality, super soft...
Homemade coconut cream pie is one of our family's favorite desserts. Our homemade coconut cream pie with coconut milk filling is wickedly thick with a...
Found this recipe on Tammy's Blog (http://www.tammysrecipes.com/homemade_vanilla_extract) and couldn't resist trying it. I made 3 batches; one with vodka,...
A dozen or so years ago when we were living in New England we rented a room to a young lady whose grandmother was a Southerner. She taught me her grandmother's...
This is just a wonderfully refreshing side dish for summer barbecues. I never have any leftovers!! My daughter-in-law would eat the entire dish if I would...
This drink, intended as a holiday-season quaff, is a simple riff on the French 75, a Prohibition-era Champagne cocktail that includes lemon juice, simple...
As the "child" of hollandaise sauce (one of the 5 French mother sauces), Béarnaise Sauce is a rich, creamy, and insanely addictive sauce using butter,...