Spice things up on game night with a green onion dip! This dip recipe combines green onions, mayo, Greek yogurt, garlic and cayenne pepper for the perfect...
Creamy poblano queso dip, studded with flavorful roasted poblano peppers, is pleasantly spicy but not fiery. Enjoy it as a dip or a topping for tacos or...
Bring your cheeseboard to the next level with this White Cheddar Cheese Dip with Apricot Preserves recipe! Featuring green onions and KRAFT Mayo with Olive...
Mint Chutney or Pudina Chutney is a spicy and refreshing dip prepared with fresh Mint Leaves, Coriander Leaves and Curd. It is flavored with Garlic and...
Explore the many different flavors that hummus can incorporate. Searching for a new hummus recipe? Our Greek Hummus recipe delivers a classic and delicious...
Combine all the best Italian-style flavors in one delicious dip with this Tomato Pesto-Mozzarella Cheese Dip recipe! Perfect for spreading on fresh ciabatta...
Best Ever Cranberry Sauce Recipe is a fast, easy delicious recipe that is the perfect addition to your Holiday Dinner. Either made in the Instant Pot or...
Get ready for game day with Buffalo Chicken Queso Dip from My Food and Family! This buffalo chicken queso recipe is made by adding chicken, cayenne pepper...
Discover your new favorite hummus recipe with this scrumptious Pesto Hummus. Easy to make ahead of time, our fragrant Pesto Hummus recipe combines the...
Treat your guests to a delightful bread ring dip that has the dipping vehicle baked right in. Stand refrigerated bread dough around the edge of the skillet...
Try our sensational Baked Pizza Dip for a creamy and delicious hot dip. You'll love the melted mozzarella and pizza sauce to bring together a marriage...
Try this yummy queso blanco spinach and artichoke dip for a chip dip trifecta. Make everyone's favorite dips in one fell swoop with tasty VELVEETA® Queso...
This creamy dip features pimentos, broccoli and two kinds of cheese-and is still a smart choice. So warm and tasty, even the crackers can't wait to dip...
Try this flavorful VELVEETA Hot N Cheesy Crab Dip. This VELVEETA Hot N Cheesy Crab Dip is the perfect way to kick off your holiday celebration. Serve this...
Bring VELVEETA Southwestern Chicken Dip to the party! Chicken is mixed with cubes of VELVEETA, diced tomatoes with chilies and chopped green onions to...
Get ready for game day with this Hot Artichoke Hearts and Red Pepper Dip. This yummy dip features melted mozzarella, chopped artichoke hearts and is studded...
Put together this Monterey Jack Cheese Dip with Verde Salsa in just 10 minutes for a flavorful addition to any appetizer spread! Fresh jalapeño peppers...