Eben Freeman, bartender of Tailor Restaurant in New York City, developed this adaptation of a classic cocktail. Reposado tequila gives the drink a smooth...
This Rosé Sangria is the easy to prepare cocktail that you will be making again and again this summer. It is refreshing and slighty sweet with a bold...
When we opened Bar Sardine in the summer of 2014, we wanted an all-day Bloody Mary on the menu, and call me Dr. Seuss, but I couldn't stop thinking about...
This Italian Margarita recipe is easy to make with just four ingredients! Orange juice, tequila, amaretto and lime juice combine in this delicious cocktail...
These sweet and spicy grapefruit margaritas are so refreshing! You can leave out the jalapeño if you want a basic, fresh grapefruit margarita, but I love...
This Strawberry Daiquiri uses fresh strawberries and frozen strawberries instead of the usual crushed ice cubes. This is the perfect cocktail to welcome...
Flips were originally hot drinks made with egg and a variety of liquors and wines. They were warmed up by means of a loggerhead, an iron tool with a long...
The true beauty of this homemade sour mix is having a fresh, versatile, and easy cocktail mixer for parties that's infinitely more delicious than store-bought...
Created to incorporate the seasonally grown herbs from our rooftop garden, this unique cocktail is one of my summertime favorites. The pot still Irish...
Combining favorite fall flavors with sparkling cider gives sangria a refreshing new spin. It couldn't be easier to throw together yet it's sure to impress...