For cherry lovers everywhere, there's this gift-worthy Cherry-Cinnamon Liqueur which is fantastic in a spritz. The recipe calls for a pound of fresh or...
The true margarita--a blend of lime juice, orange liqueur, and tequila--is racy and streamlined, a drink that balances sour, sweet, and salty sensations...
I create this recipe for my birthday after receiving a bottle of Tito's® Vodka. It's like drinking liquid crystal. The sugar doesn't quite dissolve so...
This recipe uses ingredients found most well-stocked bars, which I put together after many requests for a Key lime pie martini from customers at a restaurant...
The sour formula is the root of many cocktails, including margaritas and mules, perhaps because it's so easy to remember and so simple to adapt. All you...
My friend, Jane, shared this recipe at our Christmas Bash 2014. It was enjoyed by all. It is very simple to make this recipe as an adult version or a kid-friendly...
This margarita is smooth and luxurious. Distinctive agave and citrus flavors permeate Hornitos® Reposado Tequila, while orange liqueur adds some sweetness....
A surprisingly refreshing twist to an old classic. Jalapeno-infused simple syrup and cucumber water give a sweet and spicy kick. See footnotes for how...
The earliest version of this cocktail was simply water, sugar, bitters, and booze. Over time, the water became ice, the booze became whiskey, and the drink...
We used Roland brand lemon-and lime-flavored cocktail cherries in this St. Patrick's Day party-ready Irish Whiskey Sour. They're available in most grocery...
A frothy drink made with pineapple juice, heavy cream, cream of coconut, orange juice, and rum is sure to be tempting. But serve it in a red-rimmed glass...
This stunning thirst-quencher gets its deep red color from dried hibiscus flowers, which are sold as flor de jamaica at Latin grocers. The hibiscus mixture...
This recipe comes to us from Giovanna Huyke, host of the Puerto Rican television program "La Cocina de Giovanna." Finger bananas have a richer sweetness...
Mix up a pitcher of cocktails and you'll spend less time playing bartender. This sweet-tart combo of rose, sour cherries, and simple syrup starts the party...
A blast from the past, this one was the house cocktail at NYC's Delmonico restaurant. It combines gin and cognac, sweet and dry vermouths, and bitters...