This is a super fast and simple to make granola that comes out tender, crisp and delicious every time! It's very versatile, simply add your favorite dried...
For those who love crunchy granola and want to know just what's in it! Be prepared to fall in love with this stuff! Serve it with fruit and yogurt or pour...
This oatmeal is mmmm good and can last one person all week when made ahead. Try topped with honey, maple syrup, fruit jam, or preserves, or a 1/4 cup of...
Healthy fresh fruit, granola, and cinnamon combine for a breakfast that looks and tastes like old-fashioned, homemade oatmeal ... with a twist! This dish...
This oatmeal is warm, sweet, and lusciously filling, and it leaves me satisfied for hours! It is also incredibly versatile. Switch out any of the ingredients...
A creamy, chocolatey breakfast treat minus the fat and excessive sugar. Tastes like tiny chocolate teddy bears! If porridge is too thick or oats are uncooked,...
This granola is good and crunchy with lots of sweet flavor, thanks to the pure maple syrup and dark brown sugar. It uses a lot less oil than some granola...
This nutritious, creamy, hot breakfast is naturally sweet and super easy to make. It just takes a little baking time. It's fabulous both fresh and warmed...
A little sweetness is all you need and vanilla extract makes it taste gourmet. You can get creative with this recipe and use berries instead of bananas,...
Make it the night before and it is cold, creamy, delicious, and healthy for your breakfast the next morning. Like the Kashi® bowls, but much cheaper and...
After living in the Dominican Republic for many years, I came to appreciate their tasty and easy way of making oatmeal. The texture is more creamy and...
Here is a quick and delicious breakfast that can be enjoyed within minutes. Eating clean never tasted so good! Feel free to add fresh berries to give the...
Healthy, delicious, cheap. It freezes fantastic, but you probably will not get the chance to do that. As a protein powerhouse that travels well, it is...
A very easy-to-make granola recipe that is delicious and the best snack ever. All the girls at my office eat this with yogurt every day. It's awesome!...
Some days a hearty bowl of oatmeal just hits the spot. While you can certainly make oatmeal other ways, I found I love the texture I get from my Instant...
This breakfast contains everything an athlete needs to start off their day. A good balance of carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. Other topping options...
After trying many granola recipes that just had way too much sugar and oil, I sought out to make my own. This recipe is still sweet and tasty without the...
Looking for ideas for the quinoa you picked up at Trader Joe's? Here's a dairy and wheat free breakfast porridge thick, rich and delish for those cold...
The flavors of zucchini bread are brought to your morning oatmeal. This healthy bowl of oats is packed with zucchini and cinnamon and sweetened with maple...
A yummy breakfast that is healthy but doesn't leave you feeling deprived, this no-cook oatmeal will be creamy by the morning time and makes breakfast prep...
A quick breakfast mix I put together to help me get ready for the gym and put on mass. A wonderful mix of banana flavor, peanut butter, and chocolate protein...
Make your own instant oatmeal mix. This is a great gift! Add boiling water, let sit until thick, and eat! You may substitute your favorite dried fruit...