This recipe comes from a good friend. She calls it a salad. I call it a dessert. Regardless, it's fantastic. Feel free to substitute vanilla ice cream...
This recipe will easily double for a big group or potluck. If you can, use lacinato kale, it's not as tough as curly kale and lends itself well to raw...
Sweet red bell peppers are simmered with garlic, ginger, sugar and orange juice and zest to create a slightly sweet condiment with a bite to it! This is...
I like to make this for company since you can get it ready ahead of time up until the final baking step. It looks both pretty and impressive, and the orange...
This is a successful experiment I have done just few days ago. I like orange jam, and I wanted to make a real, natural jam, and I did it. The amount of...
From the English Cookbook "Gastropub Classics". I love a good marmalade and have never tried making one, but this recipe has me intrigued. I am keeping...
This is my favorite item on the thanksgiving table. It is tangy, sweet, crunchy and all around yummy. I find myself often searching for this recipe, so...
Cutting the tenderloins into serving pieces makes the cooking time of this fast-cooking piece of meat even faster. The spiked mustard sauce is an instant...
In Greece this candied orange peel is usually served as sweet. If you have nice oranges with thick peel (if possible from the garden and not treated) you...
Posted for ZWT6: Great Britain. Looks like a delicious summer treat! The original said 1 wineglass of red wine, so I put down the typical amount for a...
These make a delightful, light dish for a Seder. The pudding cups are a simple side with a mellow carrot flavor and a citrus note. Recipe is from Rosalyn...
Got this low fat, tasty main vegetarian recipe from a grocery store in Los Angeles. Presentation is beautiful, and it tastes as good as it looks. Try to...
I guess this is an ambrosia salad, we just always called it fruit salad. One of our family favorites. You can also add coconut (1/4 cup) if you like. If...
From a TOH holiday cookbooklet and submitted by D. Terry. I loved the addition of fresh navel oranges to the mold. It is pretty making this into minature...
A wonderful colourful, fruity & flavourful stuffing recipe; you can use any type of bread, but stale bread works best! I have used dried cranberries, but...
Young partridges are considered to have particularly delicate flesh and are usually roasted, while older ones are most often used in casseroles or stews....
From Food & Drink Weekly. Needs an additional chill time of 4 hours for the ducks. Alternatively the ducks for this festive dish can be braised and refrigerated...
From Simple & Delicious. Looks and sounds like a yummy fruit salad--I just lo-o-o-ve kiwi! The easiest way I've found to peel kiwi is to cut the very ends...