These meatballs have a Vietnamese flair and are quite tasty! They can be served as an appetizer with a dipping sauce, or served with rice as a meal. I...
This is the no-fuss curry recipe for 'quick and easy' cooks out there. The rice is simple yet sweet and flavorful and the tofu with green beans will satisfy...
A flavorful, spicy dish with chicken. I learned how to make this from a Korean exchange student who stayed with my boyfriend's family. Serve with white...
Inspired by Uncle Tetsu's famous cotton cheesecake in Toronto. Fewer calories than your regular cheesecake! I use a cake pan that does not have a removable...
Amazingly fast and tasty recipe, very healthy too. Even the husband (not normally a huge tofu fan) enjoys it. I love it with tons of garlic but you can...
From Susie's Supper Club. Her Notes are: These toothsome but light, zesty cakes are a great way to get everyone to like fish. You can vary the ingredient...
From Easy Asian Noodles by Helen Chen, this recipe is a GREAT cool noodle dish for a hot summer day! Very versatile, I've even made it with dollar store...
The following is a basic spicy sushi roll, readily suitable for either crab or tuna. Different people will be suited to different degrees of spiciness...
This is a Filipino dessert that's very easy to make using broas or ladyfingers as the cake sponge. This recipe is healthier than regular crema de fruta...
Soba noodles are available in Japanese food stores, whole food stores, and some supermarkets. You can add any vegetables to this dish that you enjoy or...
My husband and son share an insatiable appetite for Korean barbeque--and an equally strong dislike of the lettuce leaves traditionally used to wrap the...
A delicious light pasta salad with crisp broccoli, yellow pepper, snow peas, grilled teriyaki chicken, and a light ginger-soy dressing. It goes great with...
Garlic Chili Spicy Edamame are an easy to prepare snack that can be on the table in 10 minutes. Made with a wonderful creamy garlic and chili paste sauce!...
this is a healthy and delicious addition to anybody's diet. you can add spices, sugar, fruit, veggies, anything you want. i also use it in recipes, adding...
This is one of those foods that come in many different variations in Japan. They are served primarily on a stick but you can get them in soups, bentos,...
Gomasio is a Japanese condiment used for vegetables or rice. It adds flavor but also vital nutrients. I love it on onigiri. Use immediately or store in...
General Tso's Chicken is a perfect combination of sweet and spicy flavors. It is found in a lot of Chinese buffets and take-out places. You can try substituting...
This simple glaze combines salty and savory miso paste with sweet maple syrup. The rice vinegar marries the two, and a few drops of hot sauce are all you...
This recipe was born of a mistake when my brother bought bok choi instead of spinach for a spinach dip. And a lucky mistake it was! This dip is an easy,...
Know as the vegetarian's meat, jackfruit or kathal (as its known in India) is a meaty and delicious fruit. This curry is a low-fat version of my mother's...
I was craving Starbucks® chocolate chai tea latte when I made this. It is not a copycat recipe, simply tasty and easy. International Delight® 'Sweet...
The sight of live crabs being sold in Chinatown brought back mouthwatering memories of mom's crab curry which I used to devour and I wanted to relive the...