This is a delicious version of Irish Cream liqueur for the chocolate lover. It is sweet and creamy but definitely not for kids! It's great in coffee, over...
Simple recipe for a whiskey sour. Lemon juice blends well with the whiskey for a quick and easy drink. I used Wegman'sĀ® brand lemon juice, and Tullamore...
The earliest version of this cocktail was simply water, sugar, bitters, and booze. Over time, the water became ice, the booze became whiskey, and the drink...
I named this cocktail Autumn Sunshine because its flavor is bright, like the sun, but the maple syrup, for some reason, reminds me of burning leaves in...
If you like a Negroni and you like whiskey, too, give this one a try. It's a whiskey Negroni. Play with the ratios; I sometimes pull back on the sweet...
I combined some of my favorite flavors from my homeland into this "all things Canadian" cocktail, which might just leave you singing "O Canada"! Garnish...
Timothy O'Toole's bar in Chicago, IL, a place with an undying loyalty to the Bears, features this big Irish whiskey-infused drink flavored with ginger...
We drink this year-round but invented it over the holidays, when we had mounds of homemade cranberry sauce in the fridge. It evolved from a Champagne and...
All the flavors of fall in a glass! FireballĀ® whiskey, vanilla vodka, and sparkling apple cider make this a very refreshing drink. You can add sliced...
This deliciously sweet hard hot cocoa has a nice thick texture due to the hemp milk, making it friendly to those adults who are vegan, vegetarian, allergic...
This long forgotten Prohibition-era cocktail is named for the 1922 movie starring Rudolph Valentino. It is the movie which, on his death bed, he stated...
This great recipe for Bourbon slush is originally from my friend's Kentucky cousins, and was renamed at a recent dinner party. It is especially good made...
This makes such a festive cocktail to kick off your Thanksgiving cocktail hour! Make a kid-friendly version with just ice cream and sparkling nonalcoholic...
This recipe is definitely not traditional - except in my family. It is sweet, and meant to be! You will have to do the math for single servings, this is...
Apples, thyme, and Dijon mustard are classic flavors to pair with pork chops. Now those ingredients are prepared in a cocktail, but instead of pork, they...
This cocktail tastes like a million bucks and then some. It's a bourbon whiskey cocktail with lemon juice, simple syrup, absinthe bitters, and grenadine....
My wife loves Kamikaze cocktails and I like bourbon, so I figured I would combine the two. Most people seem to like it. It's a good summer drink. Play...