This is the note that came with the recipe. I want to thank Rose for a keeper of a recipe! These are the best waffles I have ever eaten! It was on a visit...
This recipe for Eggless Waffles makes a delicious breakfast and is easy to make. Yes, you can make waffles without eggs! And this recipe can be adapted...
Homemade waffles are an easy breakfast. These lemon poppy seed ones with a simple blueberry sauce on top are amazing. The waffles themselves are slightly...
For a hearty morning meal, preheat the waffle iron. These whole-grain waffles will satisfy a sweet tooth with minimal added sugars and saturated fat. Try...
Stop the press. If you are following a Keto lifestyle, you'll be in heaven with this chaffle recipe. Buying a mini waffle maker is well worth it for this...
I am fortunate to have four blueberry bushes in my back yard, and they supply me with fresh blueberries all summer long. This is one of the recipes that...
Let your taste buds cave into an exotic Hawaiian brunch. It's a fruity summer experience like you won't believe! Serve with sliced banana and pure maple...
These waffles are just oozing with creamy sweetness with a nice pleasant hint of orange. If you love cinnamon rolls, I'm positive you will love these waffles....
I watch Dr.Oz everyday and his daughter made this, I liked it but I tweaked it to my liking and it came out good so I thought I would share. We all are...
These sour cream waffles are extra fluffy thanks to cake flour, which makes for fluffier waffles than AP flour. Serve topped with a dollop of sour cream,...
There as so many waffle variations both savory and sweet. You can even use the waffles as a substitute for bread. You can make them ahead, freeze them...
My better half absolutely LOVES Belgian waffles. Appropriately named, Good Night Waffles are started the night before. In the morning, you simply add the...
Not sure where I found these but I adjusted to my liking. I always make a double batch and then I freeze what is left over. A double batch will make 8...
I am fortunate to have four blueberry bushes in my back yard, and they supply me with fresh blueberries all summer long. This is one of the recipes that...
Cornmeal and chia seeds add a bit of crunch to these waffles. My family can't get enough of these light waffles. We love to make these Christmas morning...
This buckwheat waffle recipe is light and fluffy on the inside and crisp on the outside. It uses 100% buckwheat flour and is gluten free. It is also free...
My husband asked me to make him cornmeal waffles. I did not find a recipe for them, so I took a waffle recipe and adapted it using cornmeal. He calls them...
My husband asked me to make him cornmeal waffles. I did not find a recipe for them, so I took a waffle recipe and adapted it using cornmeal. He calls them...
My husband asked me to make him cornmeal waffles. I did not find a recipe for them, so I took a waffle recipe and adapted it using cornmeal. He calls them...
My husband asked me to make him cornmeal waffles. I did not find a recipe for them, so I took a waffle recipe and adapted it using cornmeal. He calls them...
From Cabbagetown Cafe Cookbook by Julie Jordan. Here's what she says about this recipe. Back in the good old days, my grandmother and grandfather ran a...
In this recipe, I am using strawberries. But you could use most any other fruit you like that is in peaches or blueberries, etc... If you...
My husband asked me to make him cornmeal waffles. I did not find a recipe for them, so I took a waffle recipe and adapted it using cornmeal. He calls them...
I created this recipe when trying to get my husband to stop eating fast food for breakfast. Crispy on the outside and full of maple walnut flavor on the...
I love breakfast for dinner, and that's what we had last night after I came across this recipe for waffles. I couldn't refuse trying these...They were...
Yummy and delicious. These extraordinary waffles are flavored with molasses and spices. Topped with homemade chocolate sauce, they are perfect for a special...
Yummy and delicious. These extraordinary waffles are flavored with molasses and spices. Topped with homemade chocolate sauce, they are perfect for a special...
Yummy and delicious. These extraordinary waffles are flavored with molasses and spices. Topped with homemade chocolate sauce, they are perfect for a special...
These were so easy and fun to make. Even your kids can make them. A fun twist on regular cinnamon rolls. My kids had fun making these. I really love all...
These flavorful waffles are filling, lightly spiced, slightly sweet, and perfect for the holidays. They can easily be made using leftover sweet potato...
These flavorful waffles are filling, lightly spiced, slightly sweet, and perfect for the holidays. They can easily be made using leftover sweet potato...
A gluten-free waffle using zucchini and dry potato flakes--think green eggs and ham. Serve with sour cream, tart jam, onion chip dip, or applesauce. They...
I worked on this one a bit and played about with the ingredients, and cooking method. The country sausage gravy is pretty traditional. I got it from my...