This pimento cheese recipe has been my favorite for years for making finger sandwiches. The secret ingredient is hot water, which softens the cheese (but...
It's a great recipe to make if you have leftover lentils. It has an even lighter and more delicate texture than regular houmous. The olives give it a little...
Brie is a classic cheese and a favourite on its own. It's even better warmed through, enhanced with Mediterranean flavours and matched with crackers or...
This is something a little different for you. Chopped spinach, black-eyed peas, sour cream, mayonnaise, soup mix, water chestnuts, and garlic powder all...
This savoury recipe can be served as a dip with toasted pita bread wedges or used spread for sandwiches. The beans can be mashed to a smooth texture or...
I love purchasing a butter lamb for Easter to serve with homemade Easter bread; however, I had to give this a try of making my own. This is a very traditional...
Spam gets a bad rap. We find that some people are afraid to taste it, but when they do they actually like it. Spam is extremely popular in Hawaii and Stacey's...
My friend Susie makes this every year for the company Christmas party. She serves it with Chicken flavored Nabisco crackers. I always manage to sneak extra...
A classic pesto recipe with pinenuts for pasta or other items in need of a good pesto dressing. You may also use walnuts or almonds or a combination of...
Just put this in pressure cooker said i wasn't ready for anything pumpkin yet thought about making applebutter didn't have all ingredients and this was...
Finally a dairy free version of my favorite cheese-and-crackers cheese! This is from The Uncheese Cookbook and tastes amazingly like the real thing. Be...
A fantastic, easy, and super-quick jalapeƱo dip made with ingredients that sound like they would never work together. Seems a little strange, but you'll...
Warm, gooey, comforting, and tasty chicken spread. I like this with Fritos scoops or any buttery cracker You know that anything with "bake until bubbly"...
Zesty Tapenade for use on crostini ,steaks, eggs etc I made this when I was cooking a skirt steak and wanted a different topping than say a Chimichurri...
This is a Syrian recipe that I love to make for parties. The pomegranate molasses is a product that is available in Arab shops. If it is not available...
This recipe came in an e-mail newsletter I get and I couldn't believe it. My mom used to make it for just about every party she ever had. So this is a...
We have bagels for breakfast rather frequently, so I am always on the lookout for bagel smears. This one is tasty, easy to put together and is ready when...
We served this about half a year ago and forgot to post it! I think this is from a Martha Stewart Cookbook and they are delicious and easy to prepare!...
A twist on a favorite that combines a lot of different recipes for a BLT dip. This is not a recipe to sub in fat free items or bacon bits unless you know...
From Southern Living. When I make this, I use a bar of regular cream cheese and add about 1/3-1/2 can of drained crushed pineapple to it. I also use more...
My sister-in-law brought this for Thanksgiving and it was so good. I think she said she found the recipe on a cracker box. I don't even know what the name...
This is a super tasty spread for crackers that doesn't cost a lot of points! I like to bring it to party's and gatherings then I know how many points I'm...
I got this recipe from the father of one of my friends. If you love green olives, then you'll love this! I've taken this to parties and get togethers countless...
These delicious potato pancakes are a wonderful way to use up leftover taters. (My mom used this technique all the time when I was young... such great...
If you want to have a fruity tasty icing for your holiday cookies this icing will make your cookies taste super delicious! Or jusst roll in frosting and...
I've had this recipe for a long time and don't know where it came from. It looks great and tastes great. This can be prepared up to 5 days in advance and...
This is definitely a garlic lover's garlic bread. If one person eats it for dinner, everyone ought to eat it. Everything up to baking the loaf can easily...
I try not to use mayonnaise in dips and spreads that might be out for awhile on the buffet. This is a spread that can be made cold or warmed up in the...
I love hummus. But buying it in the store can get pricey. Especially when it is so cheap and easy to make. I have tried a couple of different ways to make...
I came up with this because of a craving for pimento cheese spread. I didn't have any pimentos, but I did have Spanish olives stuffed with pimentos...yummmm!...