Make your own potato chips using your microwave. A tasty and easy alternative to store-bought potato chips (not to mention economical)! A mandoline would...
Making homestyle potato chips is fun and easy. Guaranteed they won't last long! A food processor with a slicing attachment is very helpful. Experiment...
I searched for months for a recipe that tastes the same if not better than the store-bought pita chips. After many attempts, I found what everyone seems...
Don't know what to do with those stale bagels? Make them into crispy, salty snacks! These bagel chips are heavy on the garlic and the real Parmesan cheese...
Conventional potato chips provide a salty, crisp snack but are packed with excess fat because they are fried. These chips still provide a salty crispness...
My children love salt and vinegar chips, and I had some potatoes to use, so I thought this would be a nice treat for them. I took my French fry recipe...
These pasta chips are crunchy, salty, and addicting. I like them plain but feel free to serve them with a marinara dipping sauce if desired. Store in an...
Here's a simple recipe for making corn tortilla chips spiced only with salt. The chips may alternately be prepared by baking the tortilla wedges in a 350...
Beets are crisped in the dehydrator or oven to make crunchy, delicious, and versatile chips. Try playing with the flavors of these chips: smoked bacon...
We first had these while on vacation in the Caribbean. After returning, I had to figure out how to make them. We now prefer these to store-bought corn...
Sweet potato chips are prepared in no time in the air fryer. They turn out wonderfully crispy and delicious. Serve straight out of the air fryer with your...
This is the most addicting healthy snack in the world! Crunchy, cheesy goodness that is not only vegan but also raw. The cheese is made up of simple natural...
Three ingredients and some paper towels is all you need to make these homemade salt and vinegar potato chips. They come out of the air fryer super crispy...
I made this up after I could only find baked sweet potato chips on Allrecipes. (Those are great, too, but I was already frying fish and wanted some nice...
These crispy squash chips are savory, snackable delights that are also eco-conscious, making use of vegetable waste. Make them after or before you roast...
Yum! Crunchy bagel chips that can be served with soup, salads, dips, or all by themselves! Be creative...add any of your favorite seasonings. Very addicting...
An amazing dessert! You can use figs or dates in this recipe, and you can replace the orange liqueur with Marsala wine if you prefer. Preparation Time:...
Chips made from flour tortillas which have been dipped in canola oil and then in a cinnamon-sugar mix and baked. They come out tasting like really crisp...
Green plantains in the air fryer result in potato-like crunchy, crispy chips without being full of calories and fat. These can be sweet or savory, depending...
With only 4 ingredients and a little bit of your time, this afternoon snack of salt and vinegar kale chips can be crunchy, salty, and satisfying while...
These crispy and unusual snacks are a real hit at parties. They are a nice alternative to the usual chips and pretzels. Use bow ties or your favorite pasta...
Forget about ripping open a bag of potato chips and make your own healthier baked potato chips on a stick. These chips have a subtle Mexican flavor, but...
Make your own potato chips using your microwave. A tasty and easy alternative to store-bought potato chips (not to mention economical)! A mandoline would...
These chips bake up nice and crisp and pair well with any dip, hot or cold. Sprinkle with any combination of seasonings, such as kosher or sea salt and...
The better alternative to potato chips. Don't throw away the greens! Put them on a cookie sheet and brush with olive oil, salt, and pepper and cook for...
Snappy, mouth-watering, and addictive, these chips are quick and easy to make. They taste awesome with a cheeseburger or just as a snack on a break at...