This cookie has it all. The perfect balance of salty and sweet. If you enjoy the texture of a traditional oatmeal cookie, these Salted Oatmeal Chocolate...
They are crunchy and flaky and salty. Good alone. Slathered with pb. Layered with cheese. I prefer them to croutons in salads. Crumbled in soup. Crushed...
Roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper, the sprouts and the pancetta crisp up in unison, the fat from the pancetta flavor the sprouts, and its crispy...
Cookie Dough Bombs that will satisfy your sweet tooth while staying healthy! Make your weekends fun by making these decadent bombs with your kids. A healthy...
What happens when you have a bottle of sweet chili sauce, a lime, soy sauce and ginger? It becomes every flavor you need in one bite, hitting the sweet,...
This beauty takes me straight back to my childhood. I remember this being made for me as a kid and I actually thought it was real magic! Of course now...
Here's a great summer recipe that is perfect for grilling season and large family gatherings. It's a healthier, gluten-free and an optionally vegetarian...
Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans are big on this classic recipe. We vary a bit but the end result is very similar. These are usually served as a side...
The creamy pink color of the salad is just too much to resist, with crushed pineapples and sweet marshmallows hidden inside. This cool and fresh salad...
Chicken roasted with a layer of mustard, was incredibly moist and delicious, the flavors of thyme, garlic and lemon permeating the meat. And the fix -...
In 5 minutes, these arctic char fillets are cooked through, emerging with caramelized edges and skin glistening, ready to receive a citrus bath. Lots of...
The easy homemade blend of herbs & spices is the ideal seasoning for Salmon and other meats. Smoky and charred with a little kick of heat, topped with...
This Italian Beef Tagliata with Parmesan Cheese & Balsamic Glaze is a succulent juicy 12 hours marinated beef steak grilled to perfection over a bed of...
This inspired Asian Salmon Recipe is an easy, healthy, uber-flavorful dish that's literally ready in minutes. The flavor for this pan fried salmon recipe...
Sweet Salsa Chicken is a simple yet delicious weeknight main meal that the whole family will adore. Salsa dip is combined with mustard, honey, brown sugar...
These tacos capture the essence of a traditional barbacoa taco. Since goat meat is a little harder to find I love to use a chuck roast to make these amazing...
These amazing Marshmallow Ice Cream Cones are perfect for children's birthday parties, bake sales, baby showers and other special events. Homemade marshmallow...
The sweet pumpkin custard surrounds the ruffled layers of golden crispy fillo which gets adorned with a dusting of powdered sugar and cinnamon just before...
This Korean Beef Bowl is the super quick-and-easy version of the traditional Beef Bulgogi. With only a 15-minute cook time and a few simple ingredients,...
These Potato Burger Buns are perfect for your messiest sandwiches, like sloppy joes, and sturdy enough to hold your hardiest bacon cheeseburgers. Great...
This quiche has all the fixins of a loaded baked potato -- in a flaky pastry! Great for a weekend brunch, it can be made a day ahead and reheated in a...
Enjoy a meatless Italian dinner night with this Creamy Mushroom Farfalle. The bowtie shape of the farfalle pasta perfectly soaks up the rich and velvety...
Here is a super easy and quick recipe for healthy brownies with zucchini. Zucchini will make your brownie moist and rich while balancing the cocoa flavor....
Never met a pizza I didn't like. And this breakfast pizza is a sure way to end your evening. Breakfast dinner is always a good and fun idea. Plus, the...
"This preparation is wonderfully simple and features a combination of fresh herbs and of course, lemons. In this dish, the flavors of fresh herbs and lemon...
These deep fried pickles are an addictive finger food perfect for any get together you're hosting whether it's game night, movie night or cocktails with...
Cheesy Baked Broccoli Gnocchi is a comforting one-pan dinner! This is a potential family favorite dinner for any season. Creamy, cheesy, bubbly, and comes...
Quick, easy, healthy and delicious vegetarian main course. It's a perfect meatless weeknight dinner that can be on the table in half an hour, start to...
For this recipe, I've decided to use kale instead of spinach and deliciously creamy cheese in place of the yogurt. I find that kale adds a meatiness to...
Southern Fried Green Tomato Caprese is a mouth-watering appetizer combining a traditional Caprese salad with southern cornmeal-fried green tomatoes. fried...
This recipe is a mish mash of Pecan Pie from across the way and a traditional British Treacle tart. It seemed to make complete sense to me to combine the...
Turmeric Ginger Lemonade with fresh Mint is great for fighting fatigue and reducing inflammation in the body. It's quick to make, naturally sweetened,...