Looking for a buttery low-carb supper that is ready in a pinch. The moist fillets are topped with pretty, golden bread crumbs, making them fit for weekend...
My husband's amazing creation... Shrimp, cream, sherry - how can you go wrong with that combo? Warning this is HIGHLY addictive, especially when paired...
Long ago I had a very easy recipe from Knorr for salmon which was baked in a cream of leek sauce. It was so good; but I lost the recipe. Actually, I threw...
Level up your pizza game with this roasted red pepper whipped feta pizza! It's loaded with fresh roasted peppers, artichokes, and herbs on a bed of creamy...
Authentic Italian Carbonara (without cream) is an easy 20 minute restaurant worthy meal you can make on a weeknight! This recipe is perfectly smooth and...
Delicious served with cocktail sauce, lemon wedges or tartar sauce, this recipe comes from the New England chapter of the United States Regional Cookbook,...
This is a recipe that has been on my family for generations. We serve this on special occasions like Christmas and weddings, but it is really easy to make....
Vegetarian mushroom wellington makes a fantastic centerpiece on your holiday table. It is prepared with a simple thyme mushroom-chestnut filling wrapped...
Turn your fisherman's catch into a lovely, creamy soup. From the Mississippi Valley chapter of the United States Regional Cookbook, Culinary Arts Institute...
This is not a dessert! It's a side dish! It's kind of rich, so I keep my other selections simple when serving this. You can substitute Italian bread for...
I came up with this when I was tired of the typical onion soup flavored roast beef recipe, but not in the mood for the robust red wine version I use. My...
Autumn in Tuscany means pappardelle ai funghi (mushrooms) e panna (cream), a classic seasonal pasta dish with hearty mushrooms and a creamy sauce. Porcini...
The recipe title sounds like a tongue twister, but it is DELICIOUS! This is my attempt at recreating a dish that was served at Micheal's Cafe in Duncannon,...
From the New York Times, Jan 29, 2010. Eggs are poached in a rich, pork-infused tomato sauce, then served over chestnut polenta. The reserved meats may...
I used to devour these little gems when I worked for Sysco Foods and now I found a recipe to make them at home. I will change anything that I did when...
Learn how to bake sausage in the oven with this easy recipe. Just follow the simple steps to make delicious oven-baked Italian sausage or breakfast links...
From the Southern cookery section of the United States Regional Cookbook, Culinary Arts Institute, Chicago, 1947. Shrimp would be a delicious substitution...
I got this recipe from a gentleman who brought them to my sister's cocktail party. They are very tasty. I cut them into about 1 1/2 inch squares. I have...
This is a recipe I just came up with from the ingredients I had in the house. I wanted something easy for a Sunday afternoon that would cook in the crock...
This is traditional Lobster Newberg with my twist. Living in Florida we have great seafood year round basically. And I also love fresh citrus. So I tried...
This is a great Betty Crocker recipe from the 1950's. Thanks to some very helpful people here on zaar I was able to finally figure out what a patty shell...
Just lovely served with hominy grits as a breakfast dish, or for canapes/hors d'oeuvres. From the Southern chapter of the United States Regional Cookbook,...
A perfect accompaniment with fish or chicken. Great substitute for rice. Nice blend of favors. Another dish high in garlic but would you really expect...