This salsa is very simple, with few ingredients, but has so much flavor! Sweet but spicy, it goes well with chicken, pork or just corn chips. It has a...
Cilantro lovers rejoice! A salsa that can be modified to suit your desired spiciness! This salsa has Asian, Spanish and Middle Eastern elements. Serve...
A quick, easy meal for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Egg substitute scrambled and served with salsa, red onion, and fresh cilantro. You could use real eggs,...
I made this cream cheese-based dip to go with tortilla chips at a lakeside BBQ. When I checked to see if it was a success, I found the bowl nearly empty...
This appetizer is outstanding and great for parties! The mixes of flavors complement themselves and will excite even the most lukewarm palates. Everything...
Hi! I hope you enjoy this real, Mexican salsa from Morelos, Mexico. This is my husband's recipe; we use it for taquitos, huevos rancheros, pork, chicken,...
This tomatillo salsa comes together quickly with the help of your air fryer. The tangy, zesty flavor can be tweaked to your preferred heat level--use only...
This salsa is tried and true. I developed it over a number of years and I always get compliments when I make it. Warning: Salsamole is addicting! Sometimes...
My mother-in-law loves Tex-Mex but has an onion allergy. After several attempts, I invented an authentic tasting salsa that derives some of it's smokey...
This is by far the best pico I have ever had. Fresh cilantro and sweetened lime juice are key to making this recipe really delicious. You can find the...
Filled with lots of fresh veggies, this salsa is a great addition to any meal. Best the next day, that way it's chilled and the ingredients have plenty...
This recipe comes from a friend's mother in Chihuahua, Mexico. The heat can be adjusted to fit any taste and is very versatile. I use this to make chicken...
This is a mix between salsa and bruschetta, it's always a hit at parties and picnics. I made this up for my family, 1/2 of them love Italian food and the...
You know that huge container of grapes that looked so good at the grocery store but is now taking up space in the fridge after you realized one human could...
This is a good way to use up extra watermelon, but also a good excuse to buy some watermelon in the first place. I was surprised by how well the watermelon...
This is a quick and flavorful salsa, one of the few ways I can think of to use black-eyed peas. Serve it with tortilla chips or pita crisps to make a zesty...
This is an easy recipe for salsa made in a blender. It is a staple at my house (and everyone I know's houses, too). Remember you can always add to taste....
A great 'salsa' NOT BLENDED! Chunky, crisp, and yummy! Buy some freezer containers, this recipe makes A LOT, or share with friends. I once could not find...
This is the best salsa ever! The recipe was given to me by a friend and it always goes quickly. It's easy to double, and people always ask for the recipe...
A quick and easy salsa without all the chemicals and preservatives from store-bought brands. Store any remaining salsa in an air tight container in the...
This recipe is a little different, in a good way! I was experimenting in my kitchen and thought it was good enough to share! It's super easy to make and...
This is a super-simple peach salsa that tastes great as a dip or as a side to grilled meat or chicken. I like to use Espelette pepper (piment d'Espelette),...
A simple salsa recipe that I received from a friend. Great for parties and football games. Optional: cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill in the...
The reason I'm calling this salsa verde and not pesto is because whenever you say pesto, people instantly think of the traditional version with the pine...
Grammie makes this for Thanksgiving every year and it is such a big hit. It goes great with snack breads, crackers, biscuits, rolls and veggies. Hope you...
The unique smoky flavor of Adobo sauce makes this salsa a crowd pleaser. Easy to make with canned ingredients, your friends will think it came fresh from...