I made up this recipe with some summer fruit that I had on hand. I wanted something to go with some nice fresh salmon that I was planning to cook on the...
This is a lovely salmon spaghetti dish made with red wine, cream and garlic. It tastes like it came from a restaurant but it's really simple and tastes...
Incredibly easy to make and crowd-pleasing! Originally served on fresh-caught salmon when visiting relatives in Seattle, Washington. Serve your beautifully...
This is one of my standard salmon dishes that I regularly cook for my family. While the fish finishes in the oven I can prepare the sides, usually rice...
This is the perfect Christmas starter or buffet centre-piece when you want to do something incredible. Beautiful beetroot-cured salmon with creamy horseradish...
This dish is amazingly easy to make and the end result will just make you look super good! The secret of its great flavor is in the quality of the ingredients....
Fresh salmon needs very little preparation. These salmon fillets are cooked in good, sweet butter and minced garlic, and then sprinkled with a little lemon...
Salmon is marinated in soy, brown sugar, juice, spices, and fresh ginger; then broiled to perfection! My family and friends rave about this fish with every...
My 6-year-old, who is incredibly picky, describes this as 'alicious.' Two nights ago, we were at the tail-end of our food and I decided to throw some things...
The magic ingredient in this dish is togarashi seasoning, a mix of chilli, orange peel, ginger, sesame seeds, sichuan pepper and seaweed. It adds a 'wow'...
Only three ingredients provide moist salmon fillets bursting with flavor! Wonderful garnished with basil leaves and served with Naan bread and steamed...
This dish shows off the importance of contrasting textures and temperatures when assembling a dish. The hot, crisp-skinned salmon tops a warm, soft, earthy...
I needed to clean out my freezer and threw this together. I was surprised at how good it was for being so simple. It is a recipe I will keep in mind next...
This simple recipe makes a great salmon glaze. The sugar in the seasoned rice vinegar caramelizes under the broiler and the sweet, salty vinegar works...
This is a great recipe for beginners! This was my first time making fish and it was a hit. Even my 9 year old daughter who wouldn't dream of eating fish...
A very easy recipe to do. Good tasting, too. Can be served with rice or baked potatoes or eaten by itself. If desired, potatoes can be baked during baking...
Simple rice and salmon dish I thought up on the way home from school today. When I get around to going grocery shopping I will try it with fresh veggies!...
I make this easy-peasy, one-pan pasta dish for new parents or stressed-out friends and it always seems to make the evenings go a little more smoothly....
This salmon is so easy, you won't believe how delicious it is. I serve it with rice prepared with chicken broth and a little onion instead of plain water...
Original Basque recipe for salmon, tuna, or similar fish. This was made by fisherman and is almost foolproof. You won't believe how juicy the dish turns...
A large salmon filet, steamed in foil and cooked either in the oven or barbecue. It's seasoned with minced garlic, fresh baby dill, lemon slices, fresh...
You're going to love this quick-cured salmon technique. While the process is incredibly simple, the potential variations are endless. Whether you're talking...
This recipe for salmon is so simple and delicious, it's crazy! This is great for any weeknight dinner, yet will impress your guests, as well. Serve with...