Very light and refreshing and EASY salad for the summer months when watermelons are sweet and juicy. Recipe from Food & Wine; states that this is a Turkish...
Not as sweet as common watermelon pickles, and fantastic on turkey sandwiches (and don't forget to use the onions!). You can use cucumbers instead, but...
Summertime Heaven! This is so simple, the hard part is cutting up all the fresh fruit. Everyone loves this and I am often ask to bring the fruit salad....
I came across this recipe in a copy of Good Housekeeping. Although I haven't tried it yet, it looks like it would be a really tasty and refreshing fruit/veggie...
My research indicates that this recipe originated with Chef Ken Hom. It was pubished in his excellent (out of print) book Chinese Technique, which deserves...
This is so yummy! Most cantaloupe soups are served cold. Don't be alarmed by this being served hot, It is out of this world! Just came up with it out of...
Don't throw away that watermelon rind! Save it for my pickles! Just have your washed watermelon cut into one inch wide slices and serve only the pulp,...
This was posted in the local paper. It originally was published in the July 2009 issue of "Food & Wine" magazine from Jacques Pepin. This watermelon salad...
These may sound strange, but they are very good. My dear Mother-in-law made these all the time. They are made with the pink, sweet part of the watermelon,...
A chef friend tells me he thought this up, and wouldn't give me the recipe...but I found it on (Paula Deen). The only thing different...
I used to work in a brunch restaurant and when this soup was served, it always sold out very quickly. It is light and refreshing and perfect at a baby...
If in-season cherry tomatoes are unavailable, substitute vine-ripened cherry tomatoes or grape tomatoes, avoiding pale, unripe ones. The amount of liquid...
This is a nice refreshing salad, ideal for the hot summer months. I have tried many watermelon salads, but I always seem to head back to this one. The...
A refreshing summer salad, from our local upscale grocery store. The sweetness of the cantaloupe balances the mild heat of the sopressata. If you don't...
I saw a different recipe for this salad on a Bobby Flay Food Network show and it got me thinking. I combined watermelon and jicama with my basic recipe...
Spiced with Harissa, serrano chilies,black olives and cumin topped with feta cheese and almonds. A delightful warm weather salad. This is a recipe I put...
This Tasty salad is made with cantaloupe balls, lettuce and a balsamic dressing. Diced prosciutto or other meats can be added for a hardier salad. Dressing...
Fresh melons of all varieties are a a summertime favorite in our home. So many palate-pleasing adjectives come to mind when you think of a perfectly ripened...
An Asian play of sweet melon and hot chile pepper makes an interesting addition to a cocktail buffet. Serving Suggestions: The dish also pairs nicely with...
A delicious fruit salad which we enjoyed for supper as well as breakfast. I made some minor changes (based on what was available in the local grocery and...
This is a great summertime soup that is satisfying without making you feel full. This can be part of a summer feast! From Country Living magazine(June...
Easy to make; sweet and refreshing! I used two varieties of watermelon-seedless red and seedless yellow! Fresh mint from the garden, too! For the fruit-flavored...
A little bit different recipe that is my favorite. These take a little time but are soooo worth it. From a Farm Journal magazine years ago. These should...
I took this from Eating Well Magazine and it is a favorite at our home! I omitted the jalapeno, but the original recipe does call for 1 pepper chopped...