This collection of over 35 great sausage recipes will have you eating good from breakfast till dinner, and everywhere in between. Try this simple grilled...
This Cauliflower Peas Masala, or Gobi Matar, is a classic example of homestyle Indian vegetables. Simple, tasty and healthy. Try this dish and experience...
This vodka-less vodka sauce recipe comes together in the amount of time it takes to boil a batch of pasta. Incredibly tasty and shockingly simple, this...
A traditional Latin American dish, Pernil is marinated overnight and roasted until fall-apart tender. Juicy and delicious, it is an easy yet impressive...
Air Fryer Bone In Chicken Breast gets nice and crispy on the outside while staying juicy on the inside. Cooking a split chicken breast in the air fryer...
Instant Pot Indian Rajma Kidney Beans. A creamy, hearty, nutritious vegetarian Indian dish that cooks in your pressure cooker in 30 minutes. Enjoy this...
Meatloaf in an Air Fryer is an easy dinner for weeknights or lazy weekends. This Air Fryer Meatloaf Recipe is a traditional meatloaf slathered with a sweet...
If this isn't the best air fryer chile rellenos recipe you've ever had--or for that matter the best chile rellenos sauce recipe you've ever had--I will...
A Sous Vide Turkey Breast is a great option if you don't want to roast a whole bird. Sous Vide cooking ensures the turkey is tender, succulent and unbelievably...
The always crowd-pleasing BBQ Pulled Chicken gets a makeover, featuring my famous Guava BBQ Sauce! Just dump everything in the slow cooker and let it work...
This Keto Pasta Noodles recipe is a substitute for everyone who misses regular pasta when you are on a low carb diet. They are easy to make, quick to cook,...
This Keto Cheeseburger Casserole with bacon is one of my favorite easy recipes. It's a great meal prep recipe and will be done in 30 minutes. Low Carb...