Black bean hummus with avocado and lime is a delicious new take on hummus that I recommend to anyone looking for a quick appetizer or snack. This recipe...
This is my mother's recipe for creamy hummus. She cooked every day the food she learned how to cook when she was growing up. She gave us a history lesson...
Golden beets are slightly sweet and really enhance the flavor of hummus. Typically made with chickpeas, this hummus gets its incredibly creamy texture...
I tinkered a bit with what I found in other recipes and this is the result. I think I like my results. I stirred in a small handful of tamari-flavored...
Classic hummus made from dried chickpeas in your Instant Pot® with the kick of harissa, the smoked pepper paste from North Africa. Serve with warm flatbread...
A smooth hummus with a kick, great for a healthy snack and quick and easy to make. The dried jalapeno can be found in your local grocery store and looks...
This deliciously sweet hummus is bursting with basil and an all-around pesto body. it's so good, you could eat this by itself with a spoon, although spreading...
A low-fat spicy black bean hummus without tahini lightened up by omitting the traditional ingredient without sacrificing taste. Pair with veggies and crackers...
If you love cilantro, you will love this hummus! I usually adjust the cilantro and lemon juice for flavor after mixing. Be sure to wear gloves while preparing...
Here's how to make super creamy and smooth hummus at home! Pinching the skins off the chickpeas is tedious, but trust me--it creates the best consistency,...
Great alternative to chickpea hummus. My husband loved it even though he doesn't like lentils as much. He said he couldn't taste the lentils. Boiling lentils...
A nice switch from the Mexican layer dip. Super easy and very versatile! You can switch this recipe up in many ways to adapt it to your taste, this is...
This is the result of my quest for perfectly creamy and flavorful hummus. We have many Middle Eastern restaurants in metro Detroit and I've always wanted...
This roasted Garlic Parmesan Hummus is silky smooth, the creamiest hummus you will ever have! Layered with nutty flavors and loaded with garlic and pepper...
This yummy hummus is made with all the traditional ingredients - garbanzo beans, tahini, lemon juice, and olive oil - and includes sun-dried tomatoes and...
Here is a take on a classic dip, with cauliflower subbing in for garbanzo beans! Instead of pita chips, use plantain chips. Fewer calories means more bites,...
Love Thai food? Love hummus? Me too. Here's a hummus with my favorite traditional Thai flavors including lemon grass, ginger, basil, coconut, lime, and...
Hummus is very easy to customize and make your own. As long as you use the base of garbanzo beans, tahini, lime/lemon juice, substitutions and customizations...
This hummus makes a great appetizer for the flavor-famished. Garnish with minced sun-dried tomato for extra awesome points. Just a heads up, though: this...
Raw organic hummus. A treat from traditionally cooked hummus and causes very little gas because all the enzymes are still there. When I serve this I make...
As a spread, dip, or garlicky pita filling, roasted red pepper hummus is both delicious and satisfying. Best of all, it's whipped up in seconds in a blender...
Delicious garnished served with cucumber, whole grain crackers, or olive oil bread, this vegan-friendly appetizer makes plenty! Top with toasted rosemary,...
I made this as a quick fix when I realized I had no garbanzo beans in the pantry! It is a creamier variation on traditional Middle Eastern hummus using...
Dessert hummus is a thing, and it is absolutely decadent without all the guilt! Serve with pretzels, strawberries, or graham crackers. Also makes a delicious...
Craving hot wings but don't want the calories? This hummus variation will do the trick. Creamy, low fat, and full of flavor. Can be made as hot or mild...
A quick and healthy bean dip recipe. Great with crackers or pita bread, or as a sandwich spread. Our two-year-old eats it with her carrots. Keeps in the...
Hummus is a wholesome, flavorful appetizer or even a side dish (and it's perfect for picnics). After trying many brands and flavors, there's nothing like...
The best hummus recipe I ever had. A simple authentic tasting hummus is served with toasted pita wedges brushed with olive oil and seasoned with rosemary....
This is a fantastic and tasty snack for anyone. My toddler loves to dip things in it or to have it as a snack on a tortilla or cracker. It's great as a...
An easy-to-make, light and zesty Mediterranean-flavored hummus. A hit with my friends and family, this is great as an appetizer, side dish, or versatile...