Serve these German noodles in place of potatoes with roasts or ragouts. The simplest way to shape them is by pushing the batter through a metal spaetzle...
This is a classic German strawberry roll (Erdbeerrolle) recipe made with sponge cake, whipped cream, and fresh strawberries. My favorite cake when strawberries...
These German coconut cookies (Kokosmakronen) are one of the most popular German Christmas cookies and use three ingredients. They are gluten free, lactose...
Just wanted to make some homemade Spaetzle that tasted like the normal kind since I'm new to the gluten free diet. I didn't want to miss out on the taste...
Cabbage and root vegetables are staples in Austria and Bavaria. This creamy version is especially delicious authentic to the region when served with fried...
This is, by far the best recipe for spritz ever! My Mother found it in the newspaper thirty years ago. It won a Christmas cookie award as the best cookie...
Sauerbraten is a succulent German pot roast, usually beef. Making sauerbraten yourself actually just requires some time and patience, as the meat needs...
A delicious beverage to keep adults warm and festive for the winter holiday months. Serve warm and keep warm in a slow cooker for a party. This recipe...
I posted this to a request from my German cookbook. It is supposed to be good with spaetzle or noodles, schnitzel and game. I remember cooking it a long...
This is an original German sauerbraten recipe handed down to me. The meat is more tender, and flavorful the longer you marinade, I usually marinade for...
Long ago, when I was a young soldier stationed in Germany, I took my equally young wife to dinner at a little restaurant called Wienerwald, in Frankfurt...
Basic Spaetzle and how to serve while you make the schnitzel. We have a spaetzle press that is similar to a potato ricer with a little larger holes. My...
This is a recipe from a sweet old German lady I used to attend church with. Allow for plenty of time to prepare and cook this dish. It is definitely worth...
This is not the traditional ham gravy used for verenika, as it is much thicker and doesn't use any heavy cream. I've used it on verenika, spaetzle, egg...
I found two slightly different hand written versions of this, my Grandmother's recipe. Born in Nekkar am Rhein in the 1904, she naturally learned to cook...
This is my final recipe from *Modern German Food* by Roz Denny. Roz says "Soup can be an elegant, light starter to warm you & whet your appetite. Germans...
This is a recipe that comes from my mother-in-law from Germany. The only difference is that I used tofu in place of the ground beef. It tastes just as...
Had these baked apples, or bratäpfeln, while in Germany. My aunt taught me how to make them, but her instructions were: 'A little bit of this and a little...
This is the sauerbraten I grew up with at my grandma's, my absolute favourite dish ever. We usually had it with potato dumplings and red cabbage. Preparation...
This is a delicious dish I ordered again and again when I was stationed in Germany with the Army. It is best served with French fries to clean up the remaining...
These are from a 125 year old German recipe. Tricky to make but worth the effort. This recipe has been in my family for 65 years. Some measures are not...