A fresh pasta recipe with a rich, creamy mousse filling. Serve with melted cheese on warmed fireproof plates and pass around extra Parmesan cheese. An...
This recipe is a great alternative to pan-fried catfish. A combination of cornmeal and a variety of spices gives this recipe a savory kick in less than...
I love preparing fish during the week as it is quick & easy (start to table in less than 30 minutes). Flavors reminiscent of Veracruz, Mexico. Spicy (but...
Blue fish is a very inexpensive fish, but many people do not like it because it is very strong smelling and tasting if not prepared carefully. My DH used...
Mom's creamed tuna on toast was her go-to meal on a busy day. Boil a couple of eggs, open a few cans, toast some bread and, "Viola!" dinner is served....
Easy, delicious and healthy Seafood Mexican Stew (Molcajete de Mariscos) recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Seafood Mexican Stew (Molcajete...
I made this up one day trying to come up with more recipes for all the talapia that I like to buy. These are super easy to make and yummy! The lime and...
This is a quick, flavorful dish that looks gourmet. The spread works well with other mild white fish. Serve with your favorite vegetable and couscous for...
Panko Bread Crumbs add a wonderful crunchy coating to fish fillets that gives them a "deep fried" taste. Even fish haters like me love it and can learn...
I developed this recipe out of necessity. I had taken 2 salmon fillets out of the freezer for dinner and was planning on serving them with Au Gratin potatoes....