Roasted cauliflower, creamy and tangy curry yogurt dressing with some fresh cilantro, a delicious side-dish that you can serve with any main course; or...
Have you ever tried an overnight chia seed pudding? Make this delicious chia pudding by combining chia seeds, unsweetened coconut milk, vanilla extract,...
It smelled so good when the pizza was baked in the oven, and it tasted so good. The topping ingredients were so yummy, perfectly delicious together. Goat...
This is a quick, easy way to saute asparagus. The dish has a light flavor and makes a great accompaniment to Italian meals. I make this year-round, but...
These Steamed Mussels with Garlic Saffron Sauce are the next-level in steamed mussels goodness. They are perfect for cocktail parties, family get-togethers,...
Basic chicken sausage is transformed into an artisan grilled boudin blanc. The pickled watermelon flavor cuts through the smokiness of the chicken sausage,...
When we read the ingredients that can be added to vanilla extract we decided to make our own. It's easy, just a lot of wait time but well worth it. You...
I read a few crock pot chicken recipes but found I was lacking one or two ingredients from each one. So I used my "girl power" and improvised. Using five...
Vodka sauce is essentially a creamy tomato sauce, except, it includes a good amount of vodka, hence the name, and fewer herbs. This sauce is not only perfect...
This is from a Betty Crocker e-mail I received. Normally I don't like anything made with heavy cream soups & frozen goods, but this is really convenient...
5 Minute Nutella Mug Cake is the perfect treat when you need a quick chocolate hit. Mix and bake right in the coffee mug, this microwave wonder is the...
My uncle Don made this for Christmas and it was so awesome I had to post it here. Don't be fooled by the amount of JD, it just adds a very subtle hint...
This recipe is from I haven't tried it yet, but am placing it here for safekeeping. Here are the original notes: "This delicious comforting...
There is a version of "Liquid fence" on the market. I found this works as well, just you have to use it more quickly due to it not having the preservatives...
Tuna Salad loaded, with flaky canned tuna, creamy avocado, crisp green apples, and crunchy almonds - the combination of flavors and textures makes this...
Our lab puppy knocked over a glass of red wine onto my favorite white pants. (She has a powerful tail!) I did a Google search and found this recipe. It...
This slaw is a great alternative to creamy cole slaw if you're not a fan or if, like my hubby, you don't like mayo. You may add more sugar to taste as...
This one is for the kids or the young at heart. It's not really meant to be eaten. More like something fun for Halloween or just to hear the kids yell...
The chicken will almost resemble Chinese Bourbon chicken. It's sweet, it's salty, and with the tang of the onions and fragrance of the ginger and garlic,...