The English Christmas punch is a warm and inviting drink that's perfect serving at holiday parties. Made with rum and wine, it tastes just like a hot...
This twist on the piña colada uses frozen mango instead of pineapple for a delightfully smooth and indulgent cocktail. For optimal tiki fun, garnish the...
The original Kentucky cocktail makes a great sipper for any warm-weather afternoon. We've added a splash of club soda to make the drink a little lighter...
Rompope is served chilled, often over ice, but it can be served warm, which is how I prefer it when cold weather sets in. Either way, it's rich, velvety,...
Learn how to make a classic Aperol spritz! These bubbly Italian cocktails are refreshing and so easy to make. Aperol spritzes are best made one by one,...
Created at an Irish airport by chef Joe Sheridan for passengers who made an emergency landing there, this recipe was then passed along to the bartender...
The holiday season calls for toasts, which, in turn, call for bubbly. Sure, you could pour a glass of sparkling Prosecco, but turning it into a celebratory...
This paloma cocktail recipe doubles down on grapefruit flavor with a little bit of fresh grapefruit juice and grapefruit soda. Here's how to make the drink...