This delicious recipe came from the American Dairy Association,courtesy of Home Cooking. Packed with oats, cranberries, and buttermilk, this is a treat...
This cornbread is a favorite in our house. It has great flavor and texture, and it's not too bad for you either! :-) Serve wedges of piping hot bread with...
Tasty quick muffins! I found this recipe online 10-15 years ago. Keep misplacing the piece of paper it's written on and can't find it online. Found the...
A "secret" recipe that my aunt gave my mother in 1983. My aunt was the kind of person who was a good cook but would hide her recipes from other women....
This is such a simple and easy recipe - I have not tried it yet, but I do have a recipe for a Miracle Whip Chocolate Cake and it's simple delicious, so...
This is the result of the highly successful method of 'Trial and Error' to find the "perfect" cornbread for my 10" Cast Iron Skillet. Enjoy! This can be...
Maybe not exactly traditional, but very easy and wonderful when toasted and spread with butter. This bread is baked in a loaf pan, and produces a very...
This recipe is the combination of several created specifically for using those wonderful cinnamon chips! But it would also be good with chocolate chips...
A low-carb, low-glycemic, nutrient-dense food for a quick breakfast or snack. I use blanched almond flour from Honeyville Grain Co. and KAL brand stevia...
This is a fabulous recipe I make every fall when the cranberries are in season! My family just LOVES this moist, flavorful bread! I like to have it a bit...
"They are so delicious - you wouldn't believe that something with prunes would be so good, but they are! And they are low in fat - 1 muffin is less than...
This very traditional Australian bread was the staple food of the famous Australian swagman. Traditionally it is cooked in the coals of the campfire but...
This is my favorite pumpkin bread recipe. It is very different from other pumpkin breads because it calls for some unusual ingredients that make it special....
I don't like my cornmeal muffins to be really crunchy, so I warmed up the milk and let the cornmeal soak. I ended up with a muffin that's crispy on the...
If you like serving warm, fresh bread at mealtime, but find yourself limited on time... try this delicious "supper bread." I've used this recipe throughout...
These are a tasty breakfast on the go. I make a batch to freeze and then they're ready to go in my lunch bag. Everywhere I work people ask for the recipe....
A quick bread full of pepperoni and cheese that takes 10 minutes to prepare and is ready to serve in a little over an hour. Great with soup or salad or...
Well, this year for our holiday dinner, I finally did it! After a couple of previous experimental attempts at making Yorkshire Pudding (usually on a holiday...
This recipe came with a loaf pan from Williams-Sonoma. The flavors are complex, and this is and a perfect dessert to bring to holiday get-togethers. You...
There is only a subtle banana flavor it is added in mostly for texture not flavor, these bake out lovely with a nice high point on top --- if desired drizzle...
I got this recipe from a magazine that specializes in low fat cooking. I was surprised when the recipe produced moist bakery style muffins whose flavors...
My daughter recieved this recipe on a Kindergarten field trip to pick pumpkins and I have been making it ever since. She is now 12 years old and it is...
I got this off the back of a Honey Maid graham cracker box. It says you could make these, let them cool completely, and then wrap in plastic wrap and freeze....
I got this from a Weight Watcher meeting. If made as shown, 1 mini-muffin is 0 points; full-sized muffins are 3 points, They are tasty, have a great texture,...
Blue cornmeal is interchangeable with white or yellow cornmeal but I love using the blue, it seems to have a different flavor to me. I've only made this...
My Grandma used to love these! I made a batch for her every week. A nice muffin with a combination of apples and cinnamon which adds extra flavour but...
These are delicious-super easy, moist, satisfying and healthy, healthy, healthy. You many vary this by using apples and carrots, other spices, adding nuts...