From "Luscious Liqueurs" by AJ Rathbun as adapted by the Chicago Tribune. I've guessed on the quantity and prep times, as there are no blood oranges in...
Homemade quesadilla recipe ready in under 30 minutes. Flour tortillas filled with beef, peppers, onions and mushrooms and loaded with cheese, then cooked...
Super Easy Slow Cooker Pasta e Fagioli Soup. Rich, hearty and loaded with veggies and meat. A perfect, comforting soup for Fall! NOTE: I use ground turkey...
What is a lasagna casserole? This easy lasagna pasta bake has all the same elements of a classic lasagna - meat sauce, cheese sauce and penne pasta plus...
Recipe originally called for a chuck roast but the picture was definitely not a chuck roast. Next time, I will buy a better cut of meat. It also called...
My Sister Alla's Red Cabbage Salad with Apple is loaded with the best Autumn Ingredients. She sneaks sauerkraut into her salad, making it like a red cabbage...
I had some leftover chicken from Sunday Dinner that I wanted to use and found this recipe from Little Spice Jar. She used Trader Joe's 21 Spice Salute...
I wanted some really tasty but lower calorie and low fat baked beans and came up with this recipe. It's delicious and my British husband had one taste...
You can use this for so many things. Great for dipping boiled shrimp, steamed crab legs, as a marinade, white BBQ sauce for grilled chicken. It's amazing....
This way of cooking ribs is hands-down the best you will ever find. Unfortunately, ribs taste better with some fat flavouring (unfortunate for those dieting)....
Beef ribs with a homemade BBQ sauce in a slow cooker. Best cooked on low for 6 hours. Mine were fall off the bone at 6 hours. Good to serve over rice or...
This recipe requires that you boil your jars and lids in preparation for canning. You will need 4 pint size glass jars. Once the chutney is in the sterilized...
chunky chicken cooked slowly in tomatoes sauce with fiery chorizo. the hotter the butter. serve with buttery mash or pasta. as with any casserole, this...
I make this all the time, especially in the winter. This is adapted from a mix we used to buy, but can't find anymore. I tweaked it for use in the crock...
Jalapeño Ranch is perfect as a dressing, dip or sauce. It has a thick sour cream base, and is lightened up with fresh cilantro and lime juice and a hint...
Grilled corn on the cob in foil makes the perfect addition to your summertime barbeque. Corn grilled in foil is easy, juicy and irresistible with our lemon...
Mini Baklava Cups taste like authentic baklava but easier! The honey and lemon syrup make these baklava cups completely irresistible. A make-ahead recipe...
A co-worker brought this to a party and its been a party staple ever since. We like pretzels with this dip but you can use tortilla chips, potato chips...
This is chocolate ganache is really easy and you only need two ingredients! Pour it over cakes or let it cool and frost your cupcakes with it! The first...
What's up folks? Your friendly ex prep cook here ready to share how to make Aussie chips and turn them to cheese fries. It's time consuming, so if you...
These cottage cheese pancakes are fluffy, delicious, easy to make and have really simple ingredients. They also reheat really well in the toaster if you...
A comforting thick soup that is cooking for you all day while you are busy doing something else. I was very pleased with the results of this recipe and...
Putting shrimp on the grill provides a lightly charred smokiness that makes it irresistible. This grilled shrimp recipe is easy to prep and quick to cook....
haven't tried it but it sounds interesting. I'm very much into herbs and cooking etc. with them and noticed a lot of those types of recipes in 'zaar, so...
This Creamy Herb Mushroom Chicken Recipe is a crowd pleasing, one-pan 30-minute chicken dinner. Every bite is so juicy and tender. This chicken and mushrooms...