Pork and Cider Casserole : Much like a Normandy casserole, we've used apples and cider in this creamy stew, but replaced the more commonly used chicken...
Make quick chicken soup in the pressure cooker! This classic recipe is made with whole chicken (or chicken pieces), carrots, onions, and celery, and it's...
This cheesy chicken and veggie lasagna recipe from Paula Deen is a classic comfort food meal. Ingredients include ricotta cheese, baby spinach, tomato...
Make Ree Drummond's quick cranberry sauce recipe that gets its sweet taste from maple syrup rather than sugar. It's perfect for your Thanksgiving dinner...
An easy, healthy weeknight meal that's super creamy, yet light, and full of flavour. Not only is it dairy-free/vegan but it is naturally gluten-free...
Minestrone soup is an Italian favorite! This version is made with cannellini beans, chicken stock, cabbage, potato, zucchini, carrots, plum tomatoes, and...
Oven Baked Mini Omelettes are quick to make and sensationally delicious. Eat them immediately, or freeze them for later! Plus you can use whatever vegetables...
My take on local Hawaiian-style chili here actually shocks me! It was a staple meal for me while I resided in Hawai'i and has been a favorite meal of mine...
This Southern black-eyed peas recipe from Paula Deen is a classic comfort food dish. Ingredients include dried black-eyed peas, bacon and hog jowl. Prep...
New Potatoes with Garlic and Dill is a perfect side dish that I can always count on to satisfy everyone at the table, plus, it goes well with almost any...
Fry up these cornmeal breaded summer squash slices just like grandma used to make. The recipe calls yellow squash, buttermilk, eggs, yellow cornmeal, flour...
To mimic the chain restaurant's in-house smoked pecan flavor, without a smoker, we slow cook the ribs in the oven first then drench them in a rich homemade...
This simple sweet potato hash browns recipe is made with grated sweet potatoes and then fried in butter for a crispy texture. It's an easy way to cook...
Italian Meatballs are part of the Bible of Italian food. Meatballs are one of those dishes you simply MUST learn how to make, and once you find a recipe...
Turn the Louisville Kentucky Brown sandwich into a casserole for an delicious weeknight meal. Turkey, cheddar, Swiss, bread and milk. Broil until cheese...
Do you love hot and spicy buffalo wings? Then these Buffalo Cauliflower Bites are going to be your next favorite dish! These burn your mouth a bit bites...
These are the perfect crispy, crunchy air fryer potato wedges you've been looking for! Made with a few staple pantry ingredients, this recipe is so easy...
A simplified version of the classic French beef stew that contains all of the flavors, but none of the fuss, of Boeuf Bourguignon. Slow cooker beef stew...
These simple yet fresh corn fritters make a great snack, appetizer or side dish. You'll use corn kernels, butter, onion, cornmeal and flour to make these...
"This dish never disappoints. It's the ultimate comfort food for a cold winter's night." - the late food writer Valli Little Recipe from My Kind of Food...
Pizza Pops are an amazing snack food, perfect for kids parties. A simple but delicious pizza dough is topped with your favourite toppings and baked until...