Three-fourths veggies to one-fourth tuna. Spicy and wholesome! Great on whole wheat pita pockets with spring mix salad tucked in. Spoon onto crackers or...
The combination of tuna with olive oil, lemon juice, and beans is inspired by the cuisine of Italy. The beans are green beans and cannellini beans, also...
This is a yummy salad my roommate from Croatia made all of the time. It's perfect for lunch. You just want to keep eating and eating! Make right before...
You can find this appetizer all over Hawaii, it is a raw tuna salad that my aunt makes. During the hot summer months, it is especially refreshing as a...
If you like Indian flavors, this is a fun twist on an old favorite. I was in the mood to make tuna salad but wanted something different, and when I didn't...
This tuna avocado salad recipe is really quick and easy to make--not to mention that it is loaded with benefits and nutrients that are perfect for a daily...
I was bored and hungry, and wondering what I was going to do with some left-over pesto and some pesky sun-dried tomatoes that I wanted to get out of the...
This no-mayo tuna salad goes great with pita chips or whatever kind of cracker you like. A perfect snack packed with protein and vegetables. Easy to make...
For my nicoise-style tuna salad, just open three cans: one each of tuna, white beans and sliced olives. Toss these ingredients with slivered red onion,...
This is a fresh alternative to the tired tuna salad. A unique, yet pleasant mixture of flavors. Also, you can adjust ingredient amounts for a personalized...
Another twist on a new creation for tuna salad. I don't like olives, so there are none in my recipe, but other ingredients bring the Greek flavors to this...
This is a cool summertime salad, great for cook-outs, family reunions, or parties. You can also make your own variations, by adding more, less, or different...
In a rush and need something delicious and tummy-filling? This recipe is great for working parents whose children are constantly scouring the refrigerator...
This was always a summer Saturday favorite for my grandparents and I. Great served on a large lettuce leaf. You may also add grapes or chopped apples if...
Kitty's birthday salad. Traditionally we have made this every July for years and years. Until Grandma Wells died, the kids never knew it was originally...
Definite crowd pleaser! This is THE pasta salad. Super easy to make. Ingredients are easy to keep on hand. Recipe is very easily doubled. It has become...
This is an Italian recipe, very nice for the summer months! It has cucumber in it, which I don't like, but my husband does, so I just add cucumber to his...
This recipe came from my grandmother, who used peas in her version instead of pickles. My mother changed the recipe and I have altered it even more. The...
A whimsical bento box with tuna egg salad in a tomato with cucumber, carrot flower cut-outs, and strawberry banana pineapple kebabs. Add a heart-shaped...
Many years ago, my friend went to Spain and brought back a fantastic tapa that was made with tuna, garlic, onions, tomatoes, garlic aioli sauce. This mixture...
You can serve it in small bowls or on salad greens, garnish it with tomato wedges and cooked egg slices. This easy and delicious salad is great for lunch...
The closest I've been able to come in recreating one of my favorites! The salad will be fairly greasy, but that is how it is in the restaurant version...