We've got the secret to cooking a burger that's crispy on the outside, yet juicy on the inside: Freeze the patties for 15 minutes before cooking, then...
Treat this recipe as a basic template from which to have a blast mixing and matching different meats with different cheeses. The Parmesan is a must and...
This simple, awesome chicken salad with grapes and walnuts is the perfect meal prep recipe for delicious sandwiches all week. Serve on bread or lettuce...
If you have been to Italy at least once, you probably know what I am talking about. Porchetta is the famous classic pork roast that is found in every Italian...
This frying pan recipe creates a delicious skillet flatbread. It is a no yeast flatbread thus it is faster to make than yeast flatbreads. Visit Bread Dad...
This easy vegan Grilled Vegetable Wrap Sandwich is made even better with a smear of hummus and a sprinkle of fresh basil. It's perfect for Meatless Monday!...