Enjoy it spooned on pizza, served with grilled chicken, or with a bowl of salty chips. Fresh Basil Tomato Salsa is such a versatile condiment and it's...
We used this recipe for the first time last Christmas. Everyone liked it so much I made it over and over during the holidays. I have made it several time...
This is a new recipe for me. I was given a huge amount of tomatoes by two different friends from their gardens. I am so thankful for homegrown tomatoes...they...
Serve this delicious dip for your next party...my family loves it...this could be kept warm in a crock pot set on low, until ready to serve. This is my...
Passed down from friend to friend, this recipe has been in several families and is wonderful. It sounds a little "different" but believe me, it will soon...
This pico de gallo recipe will knock your socks off... in more ways than one! We love the delightfully fresh combination of peppers, onion and fruit. It...
This condiment is a staple for many Columbians. Try it with empanadas or even your favorite taco. It is also perfect for adding a little something extra...
What a way to serve Mexican food. It is good plus it is pretty to serve. You can get the rotel tomatoes with various spices of your choice if you desire...
Habaneros and tomatillos come together in this recipe to make a remarkably wholesome salsa; the tomatillos cool down the spiciness of the habaneros and...
There is nothing like hatch green chilies. Roasted, skinned, and transformed into a sauce these are irresistible. The sauce is bright with flavor. It has...
I found this recipe on a "copycat"web site.It's like the creamy avocado salsa you can get at the "salsa bar" at El Pollo Loco.I've been making it for years...
Xnipec Salsa, In order to make the salsa look fresh and colorful, I mixed the tomatoes, onions, and habanero peppers.... evenly. The meat then finished...
For most folks, salsa can be a very personal thing. What I love, you might not... and vise versa. Such is the nature of salsa. About 10 or so years ago...
I first made tomatillo salsa because of Juliann Esquivel's delicious recipe here on JAP, the link is below. But as time went on, I found a love for pablanos,...
My kids loved this and it was so quick and easy that it became a once a week meal. I still cook this for my grandkids and they love it. It is quick and...
I love salsa!! When my garden comes in, I start making my salsa, spaghetti sauce and pizza sauce. I'm starting with my SALSA. This is the one that I open...
My kids loved this and it was so quick and easy that it became a once a week meal. I still cook this for my grandkids and they love it. It is quick and...
If you haven't tried Purslane before, this is your chance to do it with this mouth-watering pork-tomatillo stew. This stew is one of the most common ways...
If my kids have a request for Sunday dinner I know that it is going to be Nachos. They love them and the hotter the better. My stomach does not allow me...
Another recipe from my boyfriends dad. Really good salsa with a veggie surprise! It does have a sweeter taste to it but thats the kind I like! Great way...
This salsa tastes as good as it looks - delightful. The sweet combination of fruit is perfectly balanced with the bite of the onion and Anaheim pepper....
It's chunky and it's delicious. It only takes about 10 minutes to prepare because it is made with ingredients you would normally have on hand in the pantry...
This is an easy/peasy recipe to assemble, and I just love the way it enhances a nice steak or a thick slice of roast beef. Is has similar characteristics...
"Escabeche" translates to "pickle". These spicy pickled vegetables make a great side with almost any meal! They are easy to prepare, but 3 days of chill...
Found this recipe on the back of the La Victoria jar and it's good. I change my recipe in that my pork is cooked first and instead of cubing it - it is...
According to mom, she has spent 30 years perfecting this salsa and I agree, it is perfect. Although it sounds crazy she does not recommend doubling this...
I bought some "fresh" marked down salsa and it tasted like it went bad. Still craving it, I threw these ingredients in a food processor and it tasted delicious!...
My husband wanted something with tortillas today (we had too many in our fridge that he didn't want to waste). He told me he didn't care what I made, so...
This salsa is very popular in Mexico it is smooth not chunky and reminds me of a tabasco sauce, only mine is not as thin. We call it salsa diabla in Spanish,...
So I LOVE pickled okra! Delish salsa bites? Yes, please! So I got a little crazy and wondered what a "Pickled Okra Salsa" would be like... The answer is:...
In the Middle East, Morocco and parts of the Mediterranean, it's common to have a course of "salads" (what in the US is more commonly considered a condiment...
We created a cookbook of employee recipes where I worked. Our general manager submitted this recipe. I have to admit I was skeptical knowing he had little...
I love roasted red pepper hummus, and black olive hummus. This little experiment turned out great and was quick and easy to make. I have made it several...
I found this recipe on a "copycat"web site.It's like the creamy avocado salsa you can get at the "salsa bar" at El Pollo Loco.I've been making it for years...